path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
32 hourschore(package): Update package version and dependenciesAdrian Priestley
- Bump pkgrel to 4 in .SRCINFO file - Update PKGBUILD with new artifact and sha256sums for x86_64 and aarch64 - Update PKGBUILD with new artifact and sha256sums for x86_64 and aarch64
2 dayschore(PKGBUILD): Update package version and dependenciesAdrian Priestley
- Bump pkgrel to 3 - Update artifact links for x86_64 and aarch64 architectures - Fix sha256sums for both architectures
5 dayschore(update): Bump package version to 1.2.0-2Adrian Priestley
- Updated pkgrel to 2 in .SRCINFO - Updated PKGBUILD with new pkgrel and artifact hashes
7 daysInitial commit.Adrian Priestley