AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-11Update maintainer infoJeremy Audet
2016-05-03backport fix for ffmpeg-3.0Christoph Gysin
2016-02-20move test of libgroove.pc to check()Christoph Gysin
2016-02-18update package releaseChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18remove conflictsChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18add .gitignoreChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18separate CMake options, one per lineChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18simplify sed statementChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18fix creating build dirChristoph Gysin
2016-02-18Drop ccache from `options` arrayJeremy Audet
2015-07-06Update to version 4.3.0Jeremy Audet
2015-07-06Initial commit (version 4.2.1)Jeremy Audet