* Added `depends=(gcc-libs glibc)`.
* Removed `gcc` and `make` from `makedepends` (they are in base-devel and always implicit make dependencies).
* Added git submodules to sources.
* Changed `pkgver` to get version from `git describe`.
* Removed untested 32-bit architectures from `arch`: `arm`, `arch6h`, `i386`, `ppc`
* Use out-of-tree build.
* Added `--config Release` to cmake build command (as used in the project's GitHub action workflow).
* Enabled parallel builds with `-j $(nproc --ignore=1)`
* Install readme to docdir.
* Useed `install` instead of `cp -r` for installation (makes sure permissions are always correct).
* Updated PKGBUILD syntax style to common practices in official repos.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Arndt <chris@chrisarndt.de>