AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-06-10Bump PKGBUILD to v1.2.5Mihir Lad
2022-05-28Bump PKGBUILD to v1.2.4Mihir Lad
2020-06-11Bump PKGBUILD to v1.2.3Mihir Lad
2020-06-11Bump PKGBUILD to v1.2.2 and add .gitignoreMihir Lad
2020-06-10Bump to version v1.2.0Mihir Lad
2020-05-02Bump version to v1.1.2Mihir Lad
2020-04-15Update .SRCINFOMihir Lad
2020-04-15Bump version to v1.1.0 and use tags for sourceMihir Lad
2020-04-15First polybar-spotify-module releaseMihir Lad