AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-08-30fix errorszxp19821005
2024-05-07fix errorszxp19821005
2024-02-27fix errorszxp19821005
2023-12-26fix errorszxp19821005
2023-11-17fix errorszxp19821005
2023-09-27fix errorszxp19821005
2023-04-22add makedependszxp19821005
2023-03-29optimize PKGBUILDzxp19821005
2023-03-13Update maintainer informationEmil Miler
2022-05-17Add gtk2 as a dependencynixi
2022-05-01Add libxcrypt-compat as a dependencynixi
2019-09-17Revert source path back to the GitHub mirrorEmil Miler
The official download location, albeit still listed on the slic3r homepage, is inaccessible. The source URL has been changed to the GitHub mirror.
2018-11-19Update source path from to slic3r.orgnixi
2018-10-26Update sha256 sum of the modified desktop filenixi
2018-10-26Fix installation of the desktop filenixi
2018-10-26Update package to release 1.3.0nixi
The homepage still provides the old version 1.2.9 as the lastest release. The package has been changed to use the latest github binary release version 1.3.0.
2016-10-09Add 'freeglut' and 'glu' as dependenciesnixi-awoo
As suggesteed in the comments, 'freeglut' and 'glu' have been added as dependencies.
2016-05-11New maintainer, fixed url, cleared redundant whitespacenixi
2015-07-01initial commitdzikie drożdże