AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-10-30Update download URLMaxime Poulin
2020-05-06fix srcinfoMaxime Poulin
2020-05-06Fix checksum again & fix iconMaxime Poulin
2020-01-22Update sha256 sumsMaxime Poulin
Upstream silently changed the file
2020-01-16Update to 3.0Maxime Poulin
PKGBUILD should probably be cleaned up and updated for pacman hooks, but at least it's not outdated anymore and upstream doesn't host older versions.
2015-09-28Add missing .SRCINFO. Oops.Maxime Poulin
2015-09-28Update to 2.1.2Maxime Poulin
2015-08-08Port package to AUR4Maxime Poulin