path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-30Youtube: fix some videos (disable av1, breaks mpv), allow webmdec05eba
2023-07-29Ctrl+Shift+S: Create a new name for file instead of replacing existing onedec05eba
2023-07-25Mangadex: skip all chapters that need to be read on an external url (mangaplu...dec05eba
2023-07-15Text: fix text sometimes being outside area, fix down arrow not going to end ...dec05eba
2023-07-12Attempt to fix slowdown regressiondec05eba
2023-07-09Set fps limit (even when vsync is enabled) for retards who disable vsync syst...dec05eba
2023-07-08Youtube: fix livestream not working (filtered out by yt-dlp)dec05eba
2023-07-03Lbry: fix video not playable sometime (add odysee referer header)dec05eba
2023-07-03Fix some lbry videos not working (non m3u8 streams)dec05eba
2023-06-30Dont show spinning circle when thumbnail failed to loaddec05eba
2023-06-27Update stb image, update stb image resizedec05eba
2023-06-25Set youtube.load_progress default to true since seeking now worksdec05eba
2023-06-25Youtube: force https protocol, fixes broken seek (and resume)dec05eba
2023-06-25Matrix: remove reply formatting from image save name in reply image messagesdec05eba
2023-06-24Add brimstone orange text color in matrix on <dec05eba
2023-06-23Dramacool: fix video not working sometimes by adding support for more video b...dec05eba
2023-06-19Lbry: fix videos not workingdec05eba
2023-06-13Add option to disable file manager grid view to make midov stop cryingdec05eba
2023-06-13Matrix: add send_typing_notifications configdec05eba
2023-06-12Matrix: add option to disable sending read receipt, comment the example json ...dec05eba
2023-06-11Change file manager view to grid, change file and folder iconsdec05eba
2023-06-10Fix auto_group_episodes == false not displaying episode names correctlydec05eba
2023-05-21Grid view for anime seasons/episodes, only show episode namedec05eba
2023-05-14html unescape aposdec05eba
2023-05-06Add missing string includedec05eba
2023-05-06Matrix: try to fix missing messages (limited room messages)dec05eba
2023-04-30Matrix: fix youtube videos not working if use_system_mpv_config is setdec05eba
2023-04-30Update cache version because cache is corrupt (missing messages)dec05eba
2023-04-30Matrix: fix issue where some new messages may not appear after quickmedia is ...dec05eba
2023-04-29ytdl: prefer mp4 because of better video playback performancedec05eba
2023-04-27Temporary depend on yt-dlp for youtube since youtube broke (throttle sig)dec05eba
2023-04-16Sort anime seasons by timestampdec05eba
2023-04-014chan: fix link in quotedec05eba
2023-03-11Better message for open urldec05eba
2023-03-11Matrix: allow pressing enter on a message with a room alias to join the roomdec05eba
2023-03-11Remove readm as it now has a google captchadec05eba
2023-02-13Matrix: better reply notification. Only mark as reply if it's a direct reply ...dec05eba
2023-02-10Matrix: fix notification not shown when matrix open and receiving a new replydec05eba
2023-01-30Remove ffnvcodec-headers dependency as its not longer needed after mpv packag...dec05eba
2023-01-21Add ffnvcodec-headers dependency because of issue with mpv packagedec05eba
2023-01-21NyaaSi: exclude episode number from track name, add extensiondec05eba
2023-01-19Lazy fetch local anime pagedec05eba
2023-01-17NyaaSi: add ctrl+t to track anime with automediadec05eba
2023-01-14Eliminate resize flicker by setting window gravity to NorthWestdec05eba
2023-01-14Improve resize performance when using a compositor by setting back pixel inst...dec05eba
2023-01-13Matrix: check for sync error on every first syncdec05eba
2023-01-13Matrix: use proper timestamp (origin server timestamp) for notificationsdec05eba
2023-01-12Matrix: do not trust synapse when it comes to unread messagesdec05eba
2023-01-11Mangadex: filter out chapters that redirect to mangaplusdec05eba
2023-01-10Matrix: show unread notification on initial sync using notifications api (the...dec05eba