path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
11 daysadding wrapper script for startup of app,Oliver Wegner
in order to prevent app's internal auto-updater to cause infinite restarts of app.
11 daysinitial commitOliver Wegner
adding PKGBUILD working on PKGBUILD adjust .gitignore working on PKGBUILD adding SRCINFO adding Makefile for simplifying processes add noextract option adding namcap to Makefile working on PKGBUILD updating SRCINFO clean up PKGBUILD clean up PKGBUILD adjust maintainer mail address add dist-clean Makefile target update app version to 2.5.17 update to version 2.5.19 version 2.5.21 update to version 2.5.48 adding todo to Makefile