path: root/flyspray.uwsgi
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-02-28Rebuild to adjust uwsgi socket dir.David Runge
The uwsgi socket should ideally be served from the app user's run dir.
2021-02-27Rebuild to adjust php7 related dependencies.David Runge
Change uwsgi config to use the php7, not the php plugin and default to /run/uwsgi for the socket. Replace uwsgi with uwsgi-plugin-php in optdepends. Simplify installation of the application using find.
2019-09-07upgpkg: 1.0rc9-1David Runge
Upgrading to 1.0rc9. Updating maintainer. Adding php-gd to depends. Adding graphviz, mariadb, php-fpm, php-pgsql, postgresql and uwsgi to optdepends. Adding dummy configuration (also to backup array). Removing forced redirect, if setup/ directory is present (this should be made unavailable by the webserver, not moved to some bizarre location). Using composer to install vendored dependencies. Using upstream .htaccess, instead of DIY dummy. Adding sysusers.d and tmpfiles.d integration, so flyspray needs to be run as its own user. Adding uwsgi snippet, so flyspray can directly be used from uwsgi. Adding .install file to describe changes and how to handle the setup/ directory.