path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-09-22fix the 'Help' menu itemsMantas Mikulėnas
2022-09-22support Java 11Mantas Mikulėnas
jre11-openjdk seems to be compatible, but it's the last.
2022-09-22doesn't seem like the .properties file has any use... or any effectMantas Mikulėnas
2022-09-22split template configurations into /usr/shareMantas Mikulėnas
2022-09-22move from /opt to /usr/libMantas Mikulėnas
Seems like this is how most Java software is packaged (looking at openfire and dbeaver).
2019-12-27require Java 8Mantas Mikulėnas
It still worked with OpenJDK 11, but not with OpenJDK 13: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/net/ssl/TrustManager
2015-08-17fix launcher scriptMantas Mikulėnas
2015-08-15extend attributes.configMantas Mikulėnas
2015-08-08initial importMantas Mikulėnas