Hi, I am getting a similar error as others.
I have already disabled CPU frequency scaling with "sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance", but am still getting the same error.
How might I resolve this? (Error below)
OS configured as UNKNOWN (0) xconfig: /home/user/.cache/yay/atlas-lapack/src/ATLAS/build/..//CONFIG/src/config.c:602: ProbeOS: Assertion `iret' failed. /bin/sh: line 1: 118028 Aborted (core dumped) ./xconfig -d s /home/user/.cache/yay/atlas-lapack/src/ATLAS/build/../ -d b /home/user/.cache/yay/atlas-lapack/src/ATLAS/build -D c -DATL_DYLIBS -Si lapackref 1 -D c -DATL_FULL_LAPACK xconfig exited with 134 ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting... -> error making: atlas-lapack-exit status 4 -> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required: atlas-lapack - exit status 4
Pinned Comments
phcerdan commented on 2017-06-08 06:48 (UTC) (edited on 2017-06-08 06:49 (UTC) by phcerdan)