@vitor_hideyoshi @a.kudelin Dear Community, thanks a lot for maintaining this package. It seems that since last update something broke: when one wants to optimize geometry with force field there is this error. Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch avogadro2
2. Click on "Draw tool"
3. In the left panel menu, "Element", select "Carbon (6)", and draw a CH4 molecule.
4. Click on "Extensions" > "Open Babel" > "Configure Force Field"
Select "UFF" Force field, "Conjugate Gradient", "Simple" technique,
Select "Energy convergence to 10 ^-4 units" and
"Step limit to 2000 steps"
5. Click "Ok".
6. Click on "Extensions" > "Open Babel" > "Optimize Geometry"
A window prompts with this error: "Error interpreting Open Babel output."
I have the latest extra/openbabel 3.1.1-4 installed and updated.
Any other operations that depend on openbabel do work, for instance:
i) Click on "Molecule" and saving as cif or mopin, or
ii) Click on View" > "Color Atoms" > "By Partial Charge" > Select OK in the prompt window and generating the color charges.
Pinned Comments
vitor_hideyoshi commented on 2023-08-11 04:08 (UTC)
In regards to any bugs and feature requests please address the official project repository, the AUR package is only a community package.