Splitting llvm & clang to separate packages is not possible without switching to a snapshot approach because they need to build from the exact same sourcecode . This would mean they would no longer be VCS pacakges but instead built a specific commit. Functionally they would work similar to papadoka & oibaf PPA for ubuntu. Users would depend on the maintainer to update the package.
(The separate libclc package works because libclc is actually an independent project that uses llvm but could be (and in the past was) developed independently.)
scan-build + folders libear & libscanbuild : I don't know what they are used for and why they should be available at runtime.
The libexec stuff is already moved to another location in the PKGBUILD, and for them the same Q : why should they be in clang-libs ?
As for the LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS stuff : I've noticed it when gentoo started using it a few years ago and it's definitely an interesting approach.
There are a few reasons I am reluctant to use it :
- I don't understand which components are left out and especially why. I have not been able to find an explanation for the choices made in the code.
- When I started llvm-minimal-git I didn't include the static libraries but was asked to put them back almost immediately.
- llvm-minimal-git already disables many parts of the code and targets very few architectures. Is the gain from using LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS worth it ?
Pinned Comments
Lone_Wolf commented on 2022-11-02 11:39 (UTC)
During building you may encounter lots of coredumps, slowing build down or even dramatically reducing the responsiveness of your system.
See https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Core_dump for solutions/workarounds .
Lone_Wolf commented on 2020-08-22 12:30 (UTC) (edited on 2020-08-22 12:31 (UTC) by Lone_Wolf)
Archlinux currently has 3 llvm git implementations
this package
packages created & maintained by Lordheavy, an arch developer
Lone_Wolf commented on 2019-08-25 12:39 (UTC) (edited on 2021-01-30 21:15 (UTC) by Lone_Wolf)
Why does this package exist ?
Llvm & aur llvm-git are intended to provide a full development environment of llvm/clang suite that can replace eachother completely (aur llvm-git adds some xtra functionality)
llvm-minimal-git is a stripped-down llvm trunk build with these goals :
Some of the things that are stripped out :
Maintainers (and users) should only depend on llvm-miminal-git after verifying it satisfies what they need.
Lone_Wolf commented on 2019-08-21 13:51 (UTC) (edited on 2024-02-24 20:50 (UTC) by Lone_Wolf)
When building this you are likely to see test failures in terminal output / logs.
The command used for the tests has been changed to continue regardless of failures. Incase you don't want to run the tests you can use --nocheck option of makepkg.