I had the problem below during the update:
==> Iniciando package()... Unknown regexp modifier "/W" at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 28, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/3" at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 28, at end of line Unknown regexp modifier "/2" at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 28, at end of line No such class installdir at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 63, near "Prefix our installdir" (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 28) syntax error at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 63, near "Prefix our installdir" Can't redeclare "my" in "my" at /usr/bin/c_rehash line 68, near "my" Execution of /usr/bin/c_rehash aborted due to compilation errors. ==> ERRO: Uma falha ocorreu em package(). Abortando... ==> ERRO: Makepkg não conseguiu compilar icaclient.
After editing the lines indicated the error did not occur and it was possible to update the package without problems!
my $dir = "/etc/ssl"; my $prefix = "/usr";
Thank you!
Pinned Comments
buzo commented on 2021-06-26 12:42 (UTC) (edited on 2023-02-02 09:00 (UTC) by buzo)
If you cannot build because of a missing tar ball or a failed sha256 checksum validation, then the package is most likely outdated and they have removed the old version already. In this case, please click on “Flag package out-of-date”.
evanator commented on 2020-07-02 06:46 (UTC)
Found a fix for "authentication service could not be contacted"
Edit the config file under /home/username/.ICAClient\WFClient.ini and add a new line SSLCiphers=ALL save file and run "killall AuthManagerDaemon ServiceRecord selfservice storebrowse"
Relaunch Citrix and you should be fine