I had to change the udev-rules as suggested by option 3 here (nano x, using usb): https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019301813
Not sure why it differs from their github version, just thought I could mention if someone else have similar issues. Could be worth a try.
Pinned Comments
sshaikh commented on 2023-02-22 20:04 (UTC)
Another two points:
Should this be a vcs package? I understand that the source file doesn't change but since it's being downloaded from master, it's not really a reproducible build and will remain at 1-8 even if the source file changes.
I always have to add MODE="0666" to these udev rules in order to actually access the hardware, as per:
is there a strategy here that I'm missing that doesn't require this?