The package was orphaned without my acknowledgment. To whomever picks it up, please see the top pinned comment before considering pushing a completely untrustworthy binary-only, self-LGPL-violating, release to AUR users just to appease to version-number-go-up.
Also, once again, I strongly recommend against using OpenUSB, especially in new projects. OpenUSB has been dead for ages. Just use LibUSB 1.0! It's available in Arch Core
as libusb
OpenUSB should only be used by those that maintain software and need to test legacy code paths on OpenUSB.
Pinned Comments
jonasmalacofilho commented on 2022-07-27 01:45 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-27 01:49 (UTC) by jonasmalacofilho)
Note that 1.1.14 is the latest release with available sources or SVN history. The apparent 1.1.16 release lacked both, and still does today. While those are both probably just (two different) oversights, IMO the 1.1.16 version shouldn't be used in its current state (binary-only release to abandoned project; self LGPL violation). Well, most programs should really just move to libusb-1.0.
jonasmalacofilho commented on 2019-12-12 12:59 (UTC)
Note: OpenUSB has seen no updates in the last few years, and most users should move to libusb-1.0 (Core/libusb). This AUR package is indented for those that, like me, need to test legacy code paths on OpenUSB.