Do you use Manjaro? Well, I'm not going to maintain compatibility with Manjaro just with Arch Linux. Arch abandoned extramodules so linux-lqx also. So if you want to continue using kernel from AUR then you have two choices:
1) You're using Arch and that's it.
2) You're modifying PKGBUILDs from Arch Linux repo and that's it.
Pinned Comments
damentz commented on 2020-08-31 15:22 (UTC) (edited on 2021-12-21 18:25 (UTC) by damentz)
Official binaries of linux-lqx, linux-lqx-headers, and linux-lqx-docs are now available:
Signing key import instructions:
sudo pacman-key --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 9AE4078033F8024D && sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 9AE4078033F8024D