Indeed. This is pretty much always on the screen, running the commands doesn't change it - changes are promoted on the filesystem, yet detection fails.
Matomo couldn't write to some directories (running as user 'http'). Try to Execute the following commands on your server, to allow Write access on these directories:
chown -R http:http /usr/share/webapps/matomo
find /usr/share/webapps/matomo/plugins -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find /usr/share/webapps/matomo/plugins -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
It also expects webserver to write into tracking file, but I refuse to allow that (as if writable plugins directory wasn't enough of security threath) and update the tracking js via command line interface.
Pinned Comments
C0rn3j commented on 2020-06-09 06:52 (UTC) (edited on 2022-03-11 12:01 (UTC) by C0rn3j)
GPG key changed with 4.8.0 release!
You need to import the public key before installing:
gpg --recv-keys F529A27008477483777FC23D63BB30D0E5D2C749
For versions before 4.8.0 you need the old key:
gpg --recv-keys 814E346FA01A20DBB04B6807B5DBD5925590A237