Package Details: perl-class-std 0.013-3

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: perl-class-std
Description: Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
Upstream URL:
Licenses: Artistic-2.0
Submitter: None
Maintainer: mbunkus
Last Packager: mbunkus
Votes: 5
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2009-08-03 20:22 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-03-12 21:04 (UTC)

Latest Comments

ManU commented on 2018-08-14 21:00 (UTC)

updated pkgbuild:

Contributor: John D Jones III <j[nospace]n[nospace]b[nospace]e[nospace]k[nospace]1972 -_at_-="" a="" at="" com="" domain="" dot="" ending="" google="" in="" mail="" name="" offers="" service="" the=""></j[nospace]n[nospace]b[nospace]e[nospace]k[nospace]1972>
Generator : CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch 1.25

pkgname='perl-class-std' pkgver='0.013' pkgrel='1' pkgdesc="Support for creating standard \"inside-out\" classes" arch=('any') license=('PerlArtistic' 'GPL') options=('!emptydirs') depends=('perl') makedepends=() url='' source=('') md5sums=('82bcc56d9769edce671b0bd0e183ec3a')



build() { ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" \ PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \ PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='$pkgdir'" \ PERL_MB_OPT="--installdirs vendor --destdir '$pkgdir'" \ MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null

cd "$srcdir/$_distdir"
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL

) }

check() { cd "$srcdir/$_distdir" ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" make test ) }

package() { cd "$srcdir/$_distdir" make install

find "$pkgdir" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete }

Local Variables:
mode: shell-script
sh-basic-offset: 2
vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

dracorp commented on 2013-06-02 09:12 (UTC)

Correct PKGBUILD is outdated. pacman -Ql perl-class-std returns nothing.

mbunkus commented on 2013-06-02 08:10 (UTC)

This PKGBUILD results in an empty package (containing not a single file) with pacman 4.1.x. One warning issued is: ==> WARNING: Using a PKGBUILD without a package() function is deprecated. Here's what I currently use as functions in my own Perl module PKGBUILDs and what works nicely with your package (advantage: all stages supported, only have to change the package name in a single place): prepare_env() { export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" \ PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \ PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='$pkgdir'" \ PERL_MB_OPT="--installdirs vendor --destdir '$pkgdir'" \ MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null cd "${srcdir}/Class-Std-${pkgver}" } build() { prepare_env /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL make } check() { prepare_env make test } package() { prepare_env make install find "$pkgdir" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete }