Package Details: perl-proc-daemon 0.23-1

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Package Base: perl-proc-daemon
Description: Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process
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Licenses: GPL, PerlArtistic
Submitter: xduugu
Maintainer: bidulock
Last Packager: bidulock
Votes: 32
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2009-01-07 01:51 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2018-08-26 07:45 (UTC)

Latest Comments

hamelg commented on 2015-11-03 20:23 (UTC)

build fails if you have a custom PATH : t/03_taintmode.t ... 1/19 # Failed test ''' daemon is still running' # at /home/xxxxx/temp/yaourt-tmp-xxxxx/aur-perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.22/t/02_testmodule.t line 121. # 0 != 12165 Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /home/xxxxx/temp/yaourt-tmp-xxxxx/aur-perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.22/t/02_testmodule.t line 123. Please, setup the PATH variable before starting test : check() { cd "$srcdir/$_distdir" ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" PATH=/usr/bin make test ) }

bidulock commented on 2013-04-15 14:48 (UTC)

Its worse. build() refers to $pkdir which doesn't work anymore under makepkg 4.1.0.

kuri commented on 2013-04-15 13:37 (UTC)

The problem is that _distdir uses ${srcdir} that is not defined outside of build(), check() and package() functions. a temporary patch could be to define _distdir in each function.

wodim commented on 2013-04-09 11:07 (UTC)

Does not work. ==> Starting build()... /tmp/yaourt-tmp-scripts/aur-perl-proc-daemon/./PKGBUILD: line 26: cd: /Proc-Daemon-0.14: No such file or directory ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

<deleted-account> commented on 2012-05-25 13:11 (UTC)

sorry, my mistake: "perl-proc-processtable"

<deleted-account> commented on 2012-05-25 13:10 (UTC)

please add to dependencies: perl-proc-daemon t/02_testmodule.t .. 14/16 - Problem in get_pid_by_proc_table_attr( 'cmndline', 'perl /home/~/assembly/perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.14/t/' ): Can't locate Proc/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/~/assembly/perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.14/blib/lib /home/~/assembly/perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.14/blib/arch /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl .) at /home/mainframe/assembly/perl-proc-daemon/src/Proc-Daemon-0.14/blib/lib/Proc/ line 618. You may not use a command line entry to get the PID of your process. This function requires Proc::ProcessTable ( to work. t/02_testmodule.t .. ok

<deleted-account> commented on 2011-06-05 17:57 (UTC)

Version 0.14