Package Details: qdigidoc4

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: qdigidoc4
Description: DigiDoc4 Client is an application for digitally signing and encrypting documents; the software includes functionality to manage Estonian ID-card - change pin codes, update certificates etc.
Upstream URL:
Keywords: esteid
Licenses: LGPL-2.1-or-later
Submitter: kevku
Maintainer: kevku
Last Packager: kevku
Votes: 17
Popularity: 0.001741
First Submitted: 2018-06-13 16:22 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-01-05 10:48 (UTC)

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zeroconf commented on 2022-07-21 17:58 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-21 18:15 (UTC) by zeroconf)

Tried to add that -DQT_DIR="/usr/lib/cmake/Qt5" before final "y" entering during install into ~/.cache/yay/qdigidoc4/PKGBUILD file into build section:

build() {
  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/$pkgname-build"
  export BUILD_NUMBER=${pkgver##*.}
  cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="${CFLAGS} -ffile-prefix-map=$srcdir=." \
           -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="${CXXFLAGS} -ffile-prefix-map=$srcdir=." \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR="lib" \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR="/etc" \

... did not help, still same error :(

Actually that folder exists, checked:

ls /usr/lib/cmake/Qt5/
Qt5Config.cmake  Qt5ConfigVersion.cmake  Qt5ModuleLocation.cmake

Even Qt6 folder exist

ls /usr/lib/cmake/Qt6/
3rdparty                                  FindWrapOpenSSL.cmake             QtBuildInternals                
config.tests                              FindWrapOpenSSLHeaders.cmake      QtCMakeHelpers.cmake            
FindATSPI2.cmake                          FindWrapPCRE2.cmake             QtPluginHelpers.cmake
FindCups.cmake                            FindWrapPNG.cmake                 QtCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake     
FindDB2.cmake                             FindWrapRt.cmake                  QtCompilerFlags.cmake                     QtPostProcess.cmake
FindDirectFB.cmake                        FindWrapSystemFreetype.cmake      QtCompilerOptimization.cmake              QtPostProcessHelpers.cmake
Finddouble-conversion.cmake               FindWrapSystemHarfbuzz.cmake             QtPrecompiledHeadersHelpers.cmake
FindGLESv2.cmake                          FindWrapSystemJpeg.cmake          QtCopyFileIfDifferent.cmake               QtPriHelpers.cmake
FindGSSAPI.cmake                          FindWrapSystemMd4c.cmake          QtDbusHelpers.cmake                       QtPrlHelpers.cmake
FindGTK3.cmake                            FindWrapSystemPCRE2.cmake         QtDeferredDependenciesHelpers.cmake       QtProcessConfigureArgs.cmake
FindInterbase.cmake                       FindWrapSystemPNG.cmake           QtDocsHelpers.cmake                       QtPublicCMakeHelpers.cmake
FindLibb2.cmake                           FindWrapSystemZLIB.cmake          QtExecutableHelpers.cmake                 QtPublicCMakeVersionHelpers.cmake
FindLibmng.cmake                          FindWrapZLIB.cmake                QtFeature.cmake                           QtPublicDependencyHelpers.cmake
FindLibproxy.cmake                        FindWrapZSTD.cmake                QtFeatureCommon.cmake                     QtPublicFinalizerHelpers.cmake
FindLibsystemd.cmake                      FindWrapVulkan.cmake                        QtPublicFindPackageHelpers.cmake
FindLibudev.cmake                         FindWrapVulkanHeaders.cmake       QtFindPackageHelpers.cmake                QtPublicPluginHelpers.cmake
FindMtdev.cmake                           FindWrapWebP.cmake                  QtPublicTargetHelpers.cmake
FindMySQL.cmake                           FindXKB_COMMON_X11.cmake          QtFindWrapHelper.cmake                    QtPublicWalkLibsHelpers.cmake
FindOracle.cmake                          FindXRender.cmake                 QtFinishPkgConfigFile.cmake               QtPublicWasmToolchainHelpers.cmake
FindPostgreSQL.cmake                      ios                               QtFinishPrlFile.cmake                     QtQmakeHelpers.cmake
FindPPS.cmake                             libexec                           QtFlagHandlingHelpers.cmake               QtResourceHelpers.cmake
FindSlog2.cmake                           macos                             QtFrameworkHelpers.cmake                  QtRpathHelpers.cmake
FindTslib.cmake                              QtGenerateExtPri.cmake                    QtSanitizerHelpers.cmake
FindWaylandkms.cmake                       QtGenerateLibHelpers.cmake                QtScopeFinalizerHelpers.cmake
FindWrapAtomic.cmake                     QtGenerateLibPri.cmake                    QtSeparateDebugInfo.cmake
FindWrapBacktrace.cmake                     QtGlobalStateHelpers.cmake      
FindWrapBrotli.cmake                      platforms                         QtHeadersClean.cmake                      QtSetup.cmake
FindWrapBundledFreetypeConfigExtra.cmake  QtInstallHelpers.cmake                    QtSimdHelpers.cmake
FindWrapBundledHarfbuzzConfigExtra.cmake  Qt3rdPartyLibraryHelpers.cmake    QtJavaHelpers.cmake                       QtSingleRepoTargetSetBuildHelpers.cmake
FindWrapBundledLibjpegConfigExtra.cmake   Qt6Config.cmake                   QtLalrHelpers.cmake             
FindWrapBundledLibpngConfigExtra.cmake    Qt6ConfigExtras.cmake                      QtSyncQtHelpers.cmake
FindWrapBundledPcre2ConfigExtra.cmake     Qt6ConfigVersion.cmake               QtTargetHelpers.cmake
FindWrapBundledZLIBConfigExtra.cmake      Qt6ConfigVersionImpl.cmake        QtModuleHelpers.cmake                     QtTestHelpers.cmake
FindWrapDBus1.cmake                       Qt6Dependencies.cmake                 qt.toolchain.cmake
FindWrapDoubleConversion.cmake            Qt6Targets.cmake                QtToolchainHelpers.cmake
FindWrapFreetype.cmake                    Qt6VersionlessTargets.cmake  QtToolHelpers.cmake
FindWrapHarfbuzz.cmake                    QtAndroidHelpers.cmake            QtNoLinkTargetHelpers.cmake               QtWasmHelpers.cmake
FindWrapIconv.cmake                       QtAppHelpers.cmake                QtPkgConfigHelpers.cmake                  QtWrapperScriptHelpers.cmake
FindWrapJasper.cmake                      QtAutogenHelpers.cmake            QtPlatformAndroid.cmake                   QtWriteArgsFile.cmake
FindWrapJpeg.cmake                        QtBuild.cmake                     QtPlatformSupport.cmake
FindWrapOpenGL.cmake                      QtBuildInformation.cmake          QtPlatformTargetHelpers.cmake

This PKGBUILD file gets overwritten when updating or installing (regardless of clean build answer), so there is needed to catch up the right moment, when to write that last row into build section in that file in order to ensure it is kept there for installation.

kevku commented on 2022-07-21 17:44 (UTC)

try -DQT_DIR="/usr/lib/cmake/Qt5"

zeroconf commented on 2022-07-21 17:34 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-21 17:44 (UTC) by zeroconf)

I'm not using any script in AUR (sorry, not familiar with that), just mentioned one existing eID installation script, that actually has same commands, what we usually type to CLI. I currently try to install directly in CLI and it does not work as of broken dependency. This is broken not only for me.

kaurman commented on 2022-07-21 17:30 (UTC)

zeroconf, it seems to me that you've made your life way too complicated as for packages.

Take a look at and use it to build in a clean chroot.

Yes, it may seem a bit complicated at first, but it really isn't...

As for your complaints about the difficulties, I ask that you keep in mind that using the scripts in AUR is voluntary. There's no need to go around complaining just because things are not working for you.

demiluxmed commented on 2022-07-21 17:28 (UTC)

Found a hint there: "-DUSE_QT=5" should fix it, but not on my machine

zeroconf commented on 2022-07-21 17:08 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-21 17:20 (UTC) by zeroconf)

Why should be regular DigiDoc software installation be so complex? So far we could install in a regular way. Quite insane to set up pretty complex chroot environment for one program installation... Goes too complex for me as I'm not developer... Also there are several computers, that needs to be updated, not reasonable way to update DigiDoc program... Also I have automated installation script for DigiDoc installation - this also will broke up then...

kevku commented on 2022-07-21 16:56 (UTC)

zeroconf commented on 2022-07-21 16:53 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-21 16:59 (UTC) by zeroconf)

I guess there cannot be removed the Qt6 as there are several system packages depending on it. Also

yay --cleanmenu --rebuild -S qdigidoc4

... did not help - same error -

What do you mean by clean chroot?

kevku commented on 2022-07-21 15:58 (UTC)

remove qt6 or build in a clean chroot.

zeroconf commented on 2022-07-21 15:56 (UTC)

Seems like similar problem also here and here

Currently installed:

yay -Qs qt6
local/qt6-5compat 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    Module that contains unsupported Qt 5 APIs
local/qt6-base 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework
local/qt6-declarative 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    Classes for QML and JavaScript languages
local/qt6-imageformats 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP
local/qt6-svg 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
local/qt6-translations 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework (Translations)
local/qt6-wayland 6.3.1-1 (qt6)
    Provides APIs for Wayland

# # #

yay -Qs qt5
local/appstream-qt 0.15.4-1
    Qt5 interface for AppStream
local/avahi 0.8+22+gfd482a7-3
    Service Discovery for Linux using mDNS/DNS-SD -- compatible with Bonjour
local/doublecmd-qt5 1.0.6-2
    twin-panel (commander-style) file manager (Qt5)
local/grantlee 5.2.0-3
    A string template engine based on the Django template system and written in Qt5
local/libaccounts-qt 1.16-3
    Qt-based client library for accessing the online accounts database
local/libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-6
    A library that provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec
local/openfortigui 0.9.6-1
    OpenFortiGUI is an open-source VPN-Client to connect to Fortigate VPN-Hardware. It is based on openfortivpn and adds an easy to use and nice GUI on top of it, written in
local/phonon-qt5 4.11.1-3
    The multimedia framework by KDE
local/phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-3
    Phonon GStreamer backend for Qt5
local/plasma-framework 5.96.0-1 (kf5)
    Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
local/polkit-qt5 0.114.0-1
    A library that allows developers to access PolicyKit API with a nice Qt-style API
local/poppler-qt5 22.07.0-1
    Poppler Qt5 bindings
local/python-pyqt5 5.15.7-1 (pyqt5)
    A set of Python bindings for the Qt5 toolkit
local/python-pyqt5-sip 12.11.0-1
    The sip module support for PyQt5
local/qca-qt5 2.3.4-3
    Qt Cryptographic Architecture
local/qt5-base 5.15.5+kde+r172-1 (qt qt5)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework
local/qt5-declarative 5.15.5+kde+r19-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for QML and JavaScript languages
local/qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.5+kde+r0-1 (qt qt5)
    Graphical effects for use with Qt Quick 2
local/qt5-imageformats 5.15.5+kde+r4-1 (qt qt5)
    Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP
local/qt5-location 5.15.5+kde+r3-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes
local/qt5-multimedia 5.15.5+kde+r1-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality
local/qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.5+kde+r0-1 (qt qt5)
    Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create classic desktop-style user interfaces
local/qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.5+kde+r5-1 (qt qt5)
    Next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick
local/qt5-sensors 5.15.5+kde+r0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition
local/qt5-speech 5.15.5+kde+r1-1 (qt qt5)
    Qt module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy
local/qt5-svg 5.15.5+kde+r11-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
local/qt5-tools 5.15.5+kde+r1-3 (qt qt5)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp)
local/qt5-translations 5.15.5+kde+r2-1 (qt qt5)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework (Translations)
local/qt5-wayland 5.15.5+kde+r38-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides APIs for Wayland
local/qt5-webchannel 5.15.5+kde+r3-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients
local/qt5-webengine 5.15.10-2 (qt qt5)
    Provides support for web applications using the Chromium browser project
local/qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-15
    Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API
local/qt5-x11extras 5.15.5+kde+r0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides platform-specific APIs for X11
    Free Pascal Qt5 binding library updated by lazarus IDE
local/qtkeychain-qt5 0.13.2-1
    Provides support for secure credentials storage
local/sonnet 5.96.0-1 (kf5)
    Spelling framework for Qt5