Search Criteria
Package Details: r-httr 1.4.7-2
Package Actions
Git Clone URL: | (read-only, click to copy) |
Package Base: | r-httr |
Description: | Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP |
Upstream URL: | |
Licenses: | MIT |
Submitter: | editicalu |
Maintainer: | dhn (alhirzel, pekkarr, BioArchLinuxBot) |
Last Packager: | BioArchLinuxBot |
Votes: | 3 |
Popularity: | 0.049146 |
First Submitted: | 2019-03-24 14:41 (UTC) |
Last Updated: | 2024-04-25 10:27 (UTC) |
Dependencies (16)
- r-curlAUR
- r-jsonliteAUR
- r-mimeAUR
- r-opensslAUR
- r-r6AUR
- r-httpuvAUR (check)
- r-testthatAUR (check)
- r-covrAUR (optional)
- r-httpuvAUR (optional)
- r-jpegAUR (optional)
- r-knitrAUR (optional)
- r-pngAUR (optional)
- r-readrAUR (optional)
- r-rmarkdownAUR (optional)
- r-testthatAUR (optional)
- r-xml2AUR (optional)
Required by (190)
- r-amaretto
- r-annotate
- r-annotationforge (optional)
- r-annotationhub
- r-anvil
- r-anvilpublish
- r-anvilworkflow
- r-anylib
- r-arrayexpress
- r-aws.s3
- r-bayestestr (optional)
- r-benchmarkme
- r-bgeecall (optional)
- r-bigrquery
- r-biobtreer
- r-biocdockermanager
- r-biocfilecache
- r-bioconcotk
- r-biocpkgtools
- r-biocworkflowtools
- r-biomartr
- r-bs4dash
- r-canvasxpress
- r-cbioportaldata
- r-cellbaser
- r-cellxgenedp
- r-cgdsr
- r-chromscape (optional)
- r-clusterjudge
- r-clusterprofiler
- r-clustifyr
- r-cola
- r-covr
- r-crunch
- r-ctrap
- r-daglogo
- r-datawizard (optional)
- r-desctools
- r-devtools (optional)
- r-doscheda
- r-drawproteins
- r-ecb
- r-encodexplorer (optional)
- r-encodexplorerdata (optional)
- r-enhancerhomologsearch
- r-enrichr
- r-epitxdb
- r-experimenthubdata
- r-expressionatlas
- r-fauxpas (optional)
- r-flatxml
- r-fredr
- r-ga4ghclient
- r-gargle
- r-gcsconnection
- r-gemma.r
- r-genomicdatacommons
- r-genomicscores
- r-geoexplorer
- r-ggimage (optional)
- r-gistr
- r-glmsparsenet
- r-googleauthr
- r-googlecloudstorager
- r-googledrive
- r-googlesheets4
- r-graphite
- r-gwena (optional)
- r-hca
- r-hermes (optional)
- r-highcharter (optional)
- r-hmdhfdplus
- r-hpip
- r-httpcache
- r-httpgd (optional)
- r-hyper
- r-igvr
- r-immunespacer
- r-intercellar (optional)
- r-interminer
- r-jaspbase
- r-jasptools
- r-jsonlite (optional)
- r-kegglincs
- r-keggrest
- r-knowseq
- r-ldblock
- r-levi
- r-limer-git
- r-lineagespot
- r-lintr (optional)
- r-log4r (optional)
- r-loose.rock
- r-lowmaca
- r-macarron
- r-martini (optional)
- r-memoise (optional)
- r-metabolomicsworkbenchr
- r-metaseqr2
- r-mirlab
- r-mousefm
- r-move
- r-mungesumstats
- r-mygene
- r-myvariant
- r-nanotator
- r-ncrnatools
- r-ndexr
- r-neo4r
- r-netdx
- r-octad
- r-omadb
- r-omicsviewer
- r-omnipathr
- r-ontoproc
- r-orfik
- r-osfr
- r-paws.common
- r-paxtoolsr
- r-phantasus
- r-phantasuslite
- r-plogo2
- r-plotly
- r-pogos
- r-ppinfer
- r-precisiontrialdrawer
- r-psichomics
- r-psicquic
- r-purrr (optional)
- r-qtlizer
- r-r5r
- r-rapiclient
- r-rarr
- r-rcwlpipelines
- r-rcy3
- r-rdgidb
- r-reactomecontentservice4r
- r-reactomegsa
- r-recount3
- r-recoup
- r-refmanager
- r-rentrez
- r-repmis
- r-rfarm
- r-rgmql
- r-rhdf5client
- r-ribocrypt
- r-rismed
- r-rlabkey
- r-rlseq (optional)
- r-rmassbank
- r-rnaturalearth
- r-rnexml
- r-rorcid
- r-rsdmx
- r-rsnps
- r-rtcgatoolbox
- r-rtracklayer
- r-rvest
- r-rwikipathways
- r-sbgnview
- r-sctreeviz
- r-seurat
- r-sevenbridges
- r-slinky
- r-snapcount
- r-spidermir
- r-spsutil
- r-stars (optional)
- r-stringdb
- r-surfaltr
- r-swirl
- r-tcgabiolinks
- r-tcgautils (optional)
- r-texreg
- r-tfutils
- r-tidyverse
- r-trackviewer (optional)
- r-txdbmaker
- r-ucsc.utils
- r-udapi
- r-variantannotation (optional)
- r-viridis (optional)
- r-waiter (optional)
- r-webchem
- r-webfakes (optional)
- r-whoami
- r-xml2 (optional)
- r-xml2r
Latest Comments
Vitrum-cnkj34kr8 commented on 2023-06-26 09:17 (UTC)
The AUR package is broken. Quick fix:
dhn commented on 2023-03-02 21:36 (UTC)
@gnaggnoyil, sha512sums are fixed now. Sorry about that.
@alhirzel you are now a co-maintainer, thank you!
gnaggnoyil commented on 2023-03-02 17:31 (UTC)
sha512sums doesn't seems to be updated accordingly.
alhirzel commented on 2023-03-02 13:23 (UTC)
@dhn feel free to add me as a co-maintainer if you'd like.
dhn commented on 2023-02-27 15:05 (UTC)
Thanks @Meandres for flagging this as out-of-date. It will take me a couple of days to get to it.
Note I am no longer using the package, will continue to maintain as best I can.
dhn commented on 2020-10-26 23:08 (UTC)
FFY00, could you please update this package? hcartiaux's comment below already gives the needed amendments.
hcartiaux commented on 2020-09-29 14:23 (UTC) (edited on 2020-09-29 14:23 (UTC) by hcartiaux)