Package Details: sonarr-bin

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: sonarr-bin
Description: Smart PVR for newsgroup and torrent users
Upstream URL:
Licenses: GPL-3.0-or-later
Groups: servarr-bin
Conflicts: sonarr
Provides: sonarr
Submitter: txtsd
Maintainer: txtsd (fryfrog)
Last Packager: fryfrog
Votes: 100
Popularity: 2.03
First Submitted: 2024-10-13 20:06 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-12-13 01:38 (UTC)

Dependencies (20)

Required by (17)

Sources (8)

Pinned Comments

mkomko commented on 2024-11-15 06:59 (UTC)

PSA: If you receive exceptions like "System.IO.IOException: Read-only file system" when Sonarr is importing files after updating to, and you use your home directory for downloaded files (which is advised against), you can either move file management out of your home directory or do something like the following:

$ sudo systemctl edit sonarr

# Allow home directory path to be writable again

txtsd commented on 2024-10-21 03:56 (UTC) (edited on 2024-10-30 12:50 (UTC) by txtsd)

Alternate versions

sonarr (source version of this package)
sonarr-develop (develop branch)
sonarr-develop-bin (binary version of the develop branch)

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fryfrog commented on 2021-06-26 23:18 (UTC)

Also, what does your version end up as? I believe their build system spits out 10.x versions for self compiled, unless you do something like what the jacket package does. And to be clear, I should not switch to this until a newer version of mono comes along? I'm not groking what you mean there. :)

fryfrog commented on 2021-06-26 23:15 (UTC)

Assuming nuget and mono-msbuild packages exist, we can probably do 'x86_64' 'aarch64' 'armv7h' for arch right?

anonfunc commented on 2021-06-26 22:35 (UTC) (edited on 2021-06-27 09:13 (UTC) by anonfunc)

@fryfrog We are currently blocked by FS#71007, which prevents sonarr from successfully building with msbuild. I have tested this patch with mono, which works flawlessly.

I want to test a clean chroot again (for possibly missing deps) once mono got a new release out, otherwise this patch works, I tested sonarr in action on my machine and had no problems so far.

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 2812b4f..9d3af69 100644
@@ -3,20 +3,18 @@
 # Contributor: Justin Dray <>
 # Helpful URL:

 pkgdesc='TV download automation for usenet and torrents.'
   'sabnzbd: usenet downloader'
   'nzbget: usenet downloader'
@@ -27,26 +25,44 @@ optdepends=(
   'rtorrent: torrent downloader'
   'jackett: torrent indexer proxy'
+  'nuget'
+  'mono-msbuild'

-  "${pkgver}/Sonarr.main.${pkgver}.linux.tar.gz"
+  "$pkgver.tar.gz"


+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir/Sonarr-$pkgver"
+  nuget restore src/Sonarr.sln
+  msbuild src/Sonarr.sln -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=x86 -t:Build -m
+  yarn install
+  yarn run build --env production
 package() {
-  rm -rf "${srcdir}/Sonarr/Sonarr.Update"
+  cd "$srcdir/Sonarr-$pkgver"
+  rm -rf _output/{Sonarr.Update,System.IO.Compression,System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation,System.Net.Http,System.Globalization.Extensions,System.Text.Encoding.CodePages,System.Threading.Overlapped,ServiceInstall.*,ServiceUninstall.*,sqlite3.*,MediaInfo.*,Sonarr.exe*,Sonarr.Windows.*,*.pdb}
+  cp src/NzbDrone.Core/Sonarr.Core.dll.config _output
+  for file in _output/Sonarr.Console.exe*; do
+    mv "$file" "${file//.Console/}"
+  done
   install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sonarr/bin"
-  cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership "${srcdir}/Sonarr/"* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sonarr/bin"
+  cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership _output/* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sonarr/bin"

   # Disable built in updater.
   install -D -m 644 "${srcdir}/package_info" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sonarr"

fryfrog commented on 2021-06-23 14:46 (UTC)

@anonfunc: You're totally right, do you understand dotnetcore/mono/.NET build well enough to turn this into a build from source package? The jackett package was the same way, but flipee recently did the hard work of getting it to build from source and so we switched it up to be correct. I don't think it is worth the churn of a package re-name until I can get it to build. I own a number of other packages like this, so if you have that talent we could knock them all out together!

anonfunc commented on 2021-06-23 11:59 (UTC)

Just as a notice, this package is more like sonarr-bin rather then sonarr, since its only delivering prebuild binarys. See for more.

fryfrog commented on 2021-03-08 22:48 (UTC) (edited on 2021-03-08 23:31 (UTC) by fryfrog)

Sonarr has finally released v3. If you need sonarr related help, their discord or /r/sonarr sub-reddit are your best bets. The unstable nightly version is sonarr-develop, but you'll be expected to be technically inclined and help investigate issues you uncover.

fryfrog commented on 2019-08-24 17:44 (UTC)

Is there anyone who uses this package that feels strongly about using it instead of sonarr or sonarr-develop? I've adopted it, but will probably request that it be merged w/ sonarr-develop unless someone very strongly likes it.

fryfrog commented on 2019-04-15 18:34 (UTC)

@degeberg: You can remove systemd-sysusers sonarr.conf from your install file, the pacman hooks take care of it.

You could also do the ownership w/ systemd's tmpfiles instead.

nicoulaj commented on 2018-09-09 16:10 (UTC)

I think the service starts too early at boot, I can see this stack trace:

Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]: [Error] TaskExtensions: Task Error
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]: [v2.0.0.5228] System.Net.WebException: DNS Name Resolution Failure: ''
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.ManagedHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x0015e] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.Dispatchers.FallbackHttpDispatcher.GetResponse (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookies) [0x000b5] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.ExecuteRequest (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request, System.Net.CookieContainer cookieContainer) [0x0007e] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00008] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00007] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get[T] (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00000] in <8faeb593f49341d6a7a6d2c3c281887c>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.Update.UpdatePackageProvider.GetLatestUpdate (System.String branch, System.Version currentVersion) [0x0006c] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.Update.CheckUpdateService.AvailableUpdate () [0x00016] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.Checks.UpdateCheck.Check () [0x000f7] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.HealthCheckService+<>c.<PerformHealthCheck>b__11_0 (NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.IProvideHealthCheck c) [0x00000] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at System.Linq.Enumerable+SelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () [0x00014] in <55cb1ea97846413983036e5d2581cc09>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <55cb1ea97846413983036e5d2581cc09>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.HealthCheckService.PerformHealthCheck (NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.IProvideHealthCheck[] healthChecks) [0x00025] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.HealthCheck.HealthCheckService.HandleAsync (NzbDrone.Core.Lifecycle.ApplicationStartedEvent message) [0x00000] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.EventAggregator+<>c__DisplayClass6_2`1[TEvent].<PublishEvent>b__1 () [0x00035] in <f8c4a2c9e6194b509efc6018724d76df>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in <815942dd495d4ccc954b977c1d4bee11>:0
Sep 09 17:53:29 storm sonarr[852]:   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00000] in <815942dd495d4ccc954b977c1d4bee11>:0

It is followed by NetworkManager startup traces. I think the correct way is: