Package Details: texlive-full 1:2025.20250310-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: texlive-full
Description: This package provides texlive-full in /opt. It also tricks Arch Linux into thinking it has its texlive packages installed.
Upstream URL:
Licenses: custom
Conflicts: git-latexdiff, texlive-basic, texlive-bibtexextra, texlive-bin, texlive-binextra, texlive-context, texlive-core, texlive-doc, texlive-fontsextra, texlive-fontsrecommended, texlive-fontutils, texlive-formatsextra, texlive-games, texlive-htmlxml, texlive-humanities, texlive-langarabic, texlive-langchinese, texlive-langcjk, texlive-langcyrillic, texlive-langczechslovak, texlive-langenglish, texlive-langeuropean, texlive-langfrench, texlive-langgerman, texlive-langgreek, texlive-langitalian, texlive-langjapanese, texlive-langkorean, texlive-langother, texlive-langpolish, texlive-langportuguese, texlive-langspanish, texlive-latex, texlive-latexextra, texlive-latexrecommended, texlive-luatex, texlive-mathscience, texlive-metapost, texlive-music, texlive-pictures, texlive-plaingeneric, texlive-pstricks, texlive-publishers, texlive-science, texlive-xetex
Provides: git-latexdiff, texlive-basic, texlive-bibtexextra, texlive-bin, texlive-binextra, texlive-context, texlive-core, texlive-doc, texlive-fontsextra, texlive-fontsrecommended, texlive-fontutils, texlive-formatsextra, texlive-games, texlive-htmlxml, texlive-humanities, texlive-langarabic, texlive-langchinese, texlive-langcjk, texlive-langcyrillic, texlive-langczechslovak, texlive-langenglish, texlive-langeuropean, texlive-langfrench, texlive-langgerman, texlive-langgreek, texlive-langitalian, texlive-langjapanese, texlive-langkorean, texlive-langother, texlive-langpolish, texlive-langportuguese, texlive-langspanish, texlive-latex, texlive-latexextra, texlive-latexrecommended, texlive-luatex, texlive-mathscience, texlive-metapost, texlive-music, texlive-pictures, texlive-plaingeneric, texlive-pstricks, texlive-publishers, texlive-science, texlive-xetex
Submitter: hottea
Maintainer: sukanka
Last Packager: sukanka
Votes: 12
Popularity: 0.106903
First Submitted: 2019-05-17 13:17 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-03-11 15:01 (UTC)

Required by (839)

Sources (2)

Pinned Comments

sukanka commented on 2022-02-20 07:17 (UTC) (edited on 2022-10-30 10:19 (UTC) by sukanka)

  • This package will be updated once a year in general, following the TeX Live release in April.
  • You are recommended to use pandoc-bin instead of pandoc.
  • You can select a different mirror(e.g. fastest mirror in your country, see CTAN Sites) by changing the line (be careful of the ending systems/texlive/tlnet/)

Users in mainland China are recommended to use bfsu mirror, set

  • _syncdir works as a local CTAN/telnet mirror (about 4.5GiB). You can change it to a different place if your BUILDDIR is on tmpfs, which may not have enough space
  • Just ignore the adding to path messages (MANPATH INFOPATH PATH), they have been linked to the correct path already.
  • checksum is skipped as the shasum of install-tl-unx.tar.gz is varying. There is a directory called install-tl-YYYYMMDD (YYYYMMDD is the pkgver) and its contents are changing in every release.
  • rsync is added to makedepends for faster installation.
  • I plan to change the pkgver to be like 2021_20220220 in future, where the first 2021 means this is TeX Live 2021, and 20220220 is from install-tl-unx.tar.gz's contents. Current pkgver is not obvious enough. Especially when TeX Live 2022 has not been released yet, but we have pkgver=20220220!
  • Comments are welcome

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mahjong commented on 2022-07-13 18:29 (UTC) (edited on 2022-07-13 18:29 (UTC) by mahjong)

I got an issue when using this with pandoc. Made an issue on my distro's forum:

sukanka commented on 2022-06-07 04:54 (UTC) (edited on 2022-06-07 04:54 (UTC) by sukanka)

@wuddy please do not ask about TEX issues here. You are suggested to ask your questions at other TEX-specific communities such as

For your question, note that Font bbm10 at 600 not found, be aware of 600.

wuddy commented on 2022-06-07 03:37 (UTC) (edited on 2022-06-07 03:51 (UTC) by wuddy)

Hello! Everyone

I met an error when I compile a tex file, as follows:

!pdfTeX error: /usr/bin/pdflatex (file bbm10): Font bbm10 at 600 not found
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

It seems that there is no bbm10 package, but I checked that there is in .../texmf-dist/fonts/source/public/bbm/

Any suggestion is helpful. Thanks

sukanka commented on 2022-04-07 11:34 (UTC)

@sacrelicious, it's because of the license file. The pkgver was 2022.20220405 in PKGBUILD, but it then is updated by pkgver() to 2022.20220406, so install can find the correct file. I just removed pkgver in LICENSE file. Please try again. Thanks for your feedback.

sacrelicious commented on 2022-04-07 11:23 (UTC)

@sukanka got this error instead

  -> Install license file
install: cannot stat '/home/username/Downloads/AUR/texlive-full/src/LICENSE.2022.20220406': No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().

sukanka commented on 2022-04-06 09:37 (UTC)

@sacrelicious, thanks for you comment. It should be fixed now.

sacrelicious commented on 2022-04-06 09:29 (UTC) (edited on 2022-04-06 09:31 (UTC) by sacrelicious)

My current version is 20220405-1, I tried updating and got the error message as below

==> Starting pkgver()...
cat: /home/username/.cache/yay/texlive-full/src/install-tl-/release-texlive.txt: No such file or directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in pkgver().
-> error making: texlive-full

sukanka commented on 2022-04-06 02:39 (UTC)

@haawda thanks! I merged your changes, and add other provides and conflicts. Next step is to move all these provides and conflicts to depends, and only install the needed files.

haawda commented on 2022-04-05 18:34 (UTC)

texlive 2022 is out.

# Maintainer: Sukanka <su975853527 [AT]>
# Contributor: Butui Hu <>

pkgdesc="This packages provides texlive-full in /opt.  It also tricks ArchLinux into thinking it has its texlive packages installed."
provides=('asymptote' 'psutils' 't1utils' 'texlive-bin' 'git-latexdiff' 'texlive-bibtexextra' 'texlive-core' 'texlive-fontsextra' 'texlive-formatsextra' 'texlive-games' 'texlive-humanities' 'texlive-latexextra' 'texlive-music' 'texlive-pictures' 'texlive-pstricks' 'texlive-publishers' 'texlive-science' 'texlive-langchinese' 'texlive-langcyrillic' 'texlive-langextra' 'texlive-langgreek' 'texlive-langjapanese' 'texlive-langkorean' 'texlive-htmlxml')
conflicts=('asymptote' 'psutils' 't1utils' 'texlive-bin' 'git-latexdiff' 'texlive-bibtexextra' 'texlive-core' 'texlive-fontsextra' 'texlive-formatsextra' 'texlive-games' 'texlive-humanities' 'texlive-latexextra' 'texlive-music' 'texlive-pictures' 'texlive-pstricks' 'texlive-publishers' 'texlive-science' 'texlive-langchinese' 'texlive-langcyrillic' 'texlive-langextra' 'texlive-langgreek' 'texlive-langjapanese' 'texlive-langkorean' 'texlive-htmlxml')

# You can choose a mirror and rsync directory here.
# _syncdir works as a local CTAN mirror (about 4.5GiB) for faster installation
# For mainland China, use 


    ls  | grep -E '[0-9]+' -o | sort -r | head -1
    # TeXLive release year
    _tldate=$(ls  | grep -E '[0-9]+' -o | sort -r | head -1)
    _year=$(cat ${srcdir}/install-tl-${_tldate}/release-texlive.txt| grep -E '[0-9]+' -o)
    # creating a profile for unattened installation
    echo "selected_scheme scheme-full" > "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXDIR ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFLOCAL ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/texmf-local" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFSYSCONFIG ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-config" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFSYSVAR ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-var" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFHOME ~/.config/texlive/texmf" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFCONFIG ~/.config/texlive/${_year}/texmf-config" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"
    echo "TEXMFVAR ~/.config/texlive/${_year}/texmf-var" >> "${srcdir}/texlive.profile"

    # syncing repository
    mkdir -p ${_syncdir}
    msg2 "Syncing local mirror"
    rsync -av --delete --info=progress2 --info=name0 rsync://${_mirror}  ${_syncdir}


package() {
    _tldate=$(ls  | grep -E '[0-9]+' -o | sort -r | head -1)
    _year=$(cat ${srcdir}/install-tl-${_tldate}/release-texlive.txt| grep -E '[0-9]+' -o)
    # find installer path automatically.

    # start the installer and install
    _timestamp=$(date "+%m%d%H%M")
    "${srcdir}/${_installer_dir}/install-tl" \
        -profile "${srcdir}/texlive.profile" -repository ${_syncdir} -logfile "/tmp/install-tl-${_timestamp}.log"

    msg2 'Stripping $srcdir'
    find ${pkgdir}/* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s|${srcdir}||g"

    msg2 'Stripping $pkgdir'
    find ${pkgdir}/* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s|${pkgdir}||g"

    msg2 "Linking manpage"
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/{man1,man5}
    for mann in {man1,man5}
        cd ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-dist/doc/man/$mann
        find . -type f,l  -print0 |sed "s|\./||g"| while read -d $'\0' man
            ln -s "/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-dist/doc/man/$mann/${man}"  "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/$mann/"

    msg2 "Linking info"
    cd ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-dist/doc/info/
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/info
    find . -type f,l  -print0 |sed "s|\./||g"| while read -d $'\0' info
        ln -s "/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-dist/doc/info/${info}" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/info/"

    msg2 "Linking binary"
    cd ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/bin/${arch}-linux/
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
    find . -type f,l  -print0 |sed "s|\./||g"| while read -d $'\0' bin
        ln -s "/opt/texlive/${_year}/bin/${arch}-linux/${bin}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"

    # remove profile file and installation log, and wrong man link.
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/man
    rm -vf "${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/tlpkg/texlive.profile"

    msg2 "Removing files for Windows"
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/opt/texlive/${_year}/texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/{win64,mswin}/*
    find -H ${pkgdir} -name "*.bat" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

    msg2 "Install license file"
    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/LICENSE.* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/"$pkgname"/LICENSE.TL