Package Details: veloren-nightly 0.16.0.r410.5ec99290f-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: veloren-nightly
Description: An open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG. Version matches official server.
Upstream URL:
Keywords: game rpg veloren
Licenses: GPL3
Conflicts: veloren
Provides: veloren
Submitter: LuckyTurtleDev
Maintainer: LuckyTurtleDev (LunarEclipse)
Last Packager: LunarEclipse
Votes: 2
Popularity: 0.002181
First Submitted: 2021-05-05 18:09 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-08-27 13:31 (UTC)

Required by (0)

Sources (0)

Latest Comments

LuckyTurtleCI commented on 2023-03-29 16:33 (UTC)

@PolarianDev It is not a duplicate. veloren-git does build the latest commit at the main branch. veloren-nightly build the git commit used by the official veloren nightly version. It is needed to play at nightly server. veloren-git might not work, because it use a different commit.

LuckyTurtleDev commented on 2022-02-13 18:03 (UTC)

@msrd0 rust nightly does also conflict with rust.

msrd0 commented on 2022-02-13 17:47 (UTC)

This package cannot be built when having the rust package installed and rustup installed on a user basis, i.e. rust nightly is available but I'm unable to install the rustup package.

LuckyTurtleDev commented on 2021-06-28 13:55 (UTC) (edited on 2021-06-28 16:39 (UTC) by LuckyTurtleDev)

@Mckol the package seems still build fine after the merge. But because of the removed OpenGL support, I can not test if the games does run correctly anymore.

I have nevertheless update the package now.

LuckyTurtleDev commented on 2021-06-28 12:18 (UTC)

@Mckol Thanks for informing me about this.

I know about the issue about choosing the commit by time, but I did not know a better solution and was waiting for the planned git tag. I had also open a issue about this. I still prefer the git tag method, but until it will be introduced, using the commit from the Airshipper backend is the better solution.

I also have a question about your patch. Are you sure you can remove the following lines?:

    git checkout master
    git pull

While I have create this package I notify that makepkg is not able to update the git repository correctly, if it does already exists. I think this could be happen because I checkout a commit and the head gets detach. Because of this I did add the lines.

I also add you as co-maintainer now.

LunarEclipse commented on 2021-06-28 11:34 (UTC)

Hi, I'm the maintainer of the official Veloren AUR packages, soon an update to the build script will be required for this package to work properly (we're in a migration period rn, link to some discussion on discord, link to relevant MR), I've prepared a patch you can use which also has a few other improvements, though only the part in build() and the version bump (which makepkg will do for you) are strictly necessary.
The rationale for the change of the method of choosing the commit to build is that while the CI is supposed to run at 6:00 UTC, sometimes it's delayed, and sometimes we make manual builds during the day if something needs to be deployed fast. My method downloads the current commit from the Airshipper backend so it's always going to be in sync with what the main server runs.
If you don't mind it, it would be cool if you could add me as a co-maintainer so that I can update this package along with the others too c:

From 578d674a0394ec121bff872d9339740e5a499bc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mckol <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 13:00:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] A few more or less needed updates:

- updated the build script (we are in a migration period right now, this
  change will be necessary eventually).
- changed the way of figuring out the commit to use so that it really is
  in sync with the main server.
- moved pkgver() to after prepare() so it's clear that it's exectued
  afterwards (I didn't notice that when creating the PKGBUILD originally).
 .SRCINFO |  3 +--
 PKGBUILD | 20 ++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index ad6ef39..bff075c 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 pkgbase = veloren-nightly
        pkgdesc = An open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG
-       pkgver = 0.9.0.r860.fb940ad27
+       pkgver = 0.10.0.r243.78961e895
        pkgrel = 1
        url =
        arch = x86_64
@@ -29,4 +29,3 @@ pkgbase = veloren-nightly
        sha512sums = SKIP

 pkgname = veloren-nightly
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 4d41899..5de5e6b 100644
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

 pkgdesc="An open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG"
 arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ source=("$pkgname"::"git+$_repo")

-pkgver() {
-    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
-    git describe --long | sed 's/\([^-]*-\)g/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/v//'
 prepare() {
     cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
     git remote set-url origin "$_repo"
-    git checkout master
-    git pull
-    git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="06:00" master`
+    git checkout $(wget -qO -
     git lfs install
     git lfs fetch
     git lfs checkout

+pkgver() {
+    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
+    git describe --long | sed 's/\([^-]*-\)g/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/v//'
 build() {
     cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
-    VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY='system' cargo build --release --bin veloren-voxygen --bin veloren-server-cli
+    export VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY='system' 
+    cargo build --release --bin veloren-voxygen --no-default-features --features="default-publish"
+    cargo build --release --bin veloren-server-cli

 package() {