I have unflagged for not out-of-date as per comment there is no new vendor images.
I'm not using waydroid so much lately so bear with me to update the images around once per month.
I'd be happy if anyone would be able to hack the version function in PKGBUILD to flag as new version, like the way *-git packages detect new commits
I have one idea that the version string could be the max date of the images for the different architectures. And also if there are multiple architectures on same date suffix with the the count, like this -YYYYMMDD.count
My bash-fu is not so much up to the task so help is appreciated.
You can start with the script i have in the repo that scans for the file list from the RSS feed
Pinned Comments
farwayer commented on 2021-11-15 08:48 (UTC) (edited on 2023-11-17 17:35 (UTC) by farwayer)
Init with gapps support:
Google Play certification guide https://docs.waydro.id/faq/google-play-certification