path: root/.SRCINFO
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 daysexplicitly fetch LFS objectsPhillip Schichtel
9 daysadd "custom:" to the license and make it a SPDX idPhillip Schichtel
9 daysadd missing makedependsPhillip Schichtel
9 daysfix creating the symlink on repeated startsPhillip Schichtel
10 daysFix checksumsNathan Chere
10 daysSRCINFONathan Chere
13 daysUpdating buildNathan Chere
14 daysPKGBUILD updateNathan Chere
14 daysFix dependencieSNathan Chere
14 daysFix dependenciesNathan Chere
14 daysInitialNathan Chere