AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-28conduktor: update to 2.24.3Narrat
2022-05-31chore(version): bump to v2.21.9Lucas Declercq
2022-03-02chore(version): bump to v2.20.7Lucas Declercq
2022-02-25chore(version): bump to v2.20.6Lucas Declercq
2022-02-14chore(version): bump to v2.20.5Lucas Declercq
2022-02-03chore(version): bump to v2.20.4Lucas Declercq
2021-12-30docs: add readmeLucas Declercq
2021-12-30fix: fix shasumsLucas Declercq
2021-12-30chore(version): upgrade to 2.20.1Lucas Declercq
2021-10-26chore(version): upgrade to version 2.18.5Lucas Declercq
2021-10-20chore(version): upgrade to version 2.18.4Lucas Declercq
2021-10-11Upgrade conduktor to 2.18.1Lucas Declercq
2021-10-05Generate SRCINFOLucas Declercq
2021-10-05Add depends to at least java 11Lucas Declercq
2021-10-05Initial commitLucas Declercq