AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-11-24fix: remove double quote in commit messageFabs
2024-11-24"Update to 0.1.49"Fabs
2024-04-03feat: add script to auto update PKGBUILDFabs
2024-04-03"Update to 0.1.48"Fabs
2020-01-12Fix and clean up PKGBUILDspider-mario
2020-01-12update to 0.1.47Narrat
2017-10-27Bump to 0.1.45Sébastien Leduc
2017-03-14Bump to 0.1.44Sébastien Leduc
2016-05-21Bump to 0.1.43Sébastien Leduc
2015-09-05Fix build dependency to perl-xml-parserSébastien Leduc
2015-07-14Initial commit for verbisteSébastien Leduc