AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysfeat: update license to SPDX formatk4yt3x
12 daysfeat: use the latest un-annotated tag for pkgverk4yt3x
12 dayschore: improve syntax and add licensek4yt3x
13 dayschore: remove unused deps and update optimizationk4yt3x
2024-12-12docs: update package descriptionk4yt3x
2024-11-04feat: added boost as a dependencyk4yt3x
2024-10-22feat: added `provides` and `conflicts` clausesk4yt3x
2024-10-22feat: added opencv and spdlog dependenciesk4yt3x
2024-10-11feat: updated repo branch and makedepsk4yt3x
2024-10-07feat: updated package descriptionk4yt3x
2024-10-04feat: initial commit for Video2X 6.0.0 alphak4yt3x