AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-09Release 4.1Gustavo Reis
2020-08-05Fixed pkgver and sourceGustavo Reis
2020-08-05Fixed the loop of reverting back to old versionGustavo Reis
2020-08-05Release 4.0 – Abacaxi al CioccolatoGustavo Reis
2019-10-25Another CHANGELOG test with added extensionGustavo Costa
2019-10-25I forgot of updating .SRCINFOGustavo Costa
2019-10-25Final Test: CHANGELOGGustavo Costa
2019-10-25Corrected the file .SRCINFOGustavo Costa
2019-10-25ATtempted to improve CHANGELOGGustavo Costa
2019-10-25Updated CHANGELOGGustavo Costa
2019-10-25Released the official AUR of Yaru++Gustavo Costa