path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysChnage from gpu-screen-recorder to wf-recorder.Jas Singh
2024-12-22fixed a bug where makepkg failed with error 'Unknown options: "b_pie"' if bui...fib-nm
2024-12-20Install official nerd fonts package.Jas Singh
2024-12-20Add gvfs and hypridleJas Singh
2024-12-20astal workJas Singh
2024-11-20Added fix for ags (agsv1)fib-nm
2024-11-19changed gpu-screen-recorder-git dependency to gpu-screen-recorderfib-nm
2024-10-08moved bun to dependencies instead of installing manuallyfib-nm
2024-10-01replaced hyprpanel-gitfib-nm
2024-09-29creating packagefib-nm