path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-07-10Fix tests (assert_regexp_matches has been deprecated in nose)Jiří Klimeš
2024-07-10Fix build with poppler >= 24.04.0 (using C++20 standard)Jiří Klimeš
2022-09-27Add poppler-data as check dependency (it's needed by tests)Jiří Klimeš
2022-09-06Update to upstream release 0.9.19Jiří Klimeš
2022-05-03Adopt the pdf2djvu packageJiří Klimeš
2022-05-03Migrate tests to Python 3Jiří Klimeš
2022-04-29Fix build with poppler >= 22.03.0Jiří Klimeš
2021-11-23update to v.
2021-10-13update to v.
2021-06-27removed pgp for improved maintainabilityEdoardo Brogiolo
2021-06-27fix updateEdoardo Brogiolo
2021-06-07update to v.0.9.18Edoardo Brogiolo
2021-06-07update to v.0.9.18Edoardo Brogiolo
2021-05-08Dropped from reposAntonio Rojas