path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-01-15fix sillyentailz
2025-01-14add libdrm & libgbm depsentailz
2024-11-30fix provides lineentailz
2024-11-04Added new cmake flag, INSTALL_QML_PREFIXentailz
2024-10-30+Fix: use CMAKE pkgverentailz
2024-10-23+Fix: pkgverentailz
2024-10-17use new --private-check-compat flag to query quickshell compat after qt6 updateentailz
2024-10-17revert hookentailz
2024-10-17rebuild qs with PostTransaction hook when qt6-base is upgradedentailz
2024-09-08back to google-breakpadentailz
2024-08-26had to remake the breakpad package because it was removed for some reasonentailz
2024-08-26breakpad removed for some reasonentailz
2024-08-24use our own google-breakpad-fixedentailz
2024-08-23fixed breakpadentailz
2024-08-23quickshell breakpad oopsentailz
2024-08-23quickshell breakpadentailz
2024-08-23add breakpadentailz
2024-08-11+added cli11entailz
2024-06-23+FIX: omgentailz
2024-06-23+FIX: fix path for qtwaylandscanner againentailz
2024-06-23+FIX: fix path for qtwaylandscannerentailz
2024-06-23+optdep: qt6-waylandentailz
2024-06-02+qt6-svg depentailz
2024-06-02fix pkgconf depentailz
2024-06-02remove echoentailz
2024-06-02remove more unnecessary deps and build stepsentailz
2024-06-02fix depsentailz
2024-06-02quickshell aur package initentailz