I'm going to be disowning this package soon. I'm moving away from crashplan and have no interest in maintaining this package, and dealing with usage issues, when I wont be using it.
I'll keep it up to date during the coming months as needed, but if no one else shows up, I plan to disown it at the end of October.
Pinned Comments
achilleas commented on 2024-08-17 10:48 (UTC) (edited on 2024-08-17 10:49 (UTC) by achilleas)
I'm going to be disowning this package soon. I'm moving away from crashplan and have no interest in maintaining this package, and dealing with usage issues, when I wont be using it.
I'll keep it up to date during the coming months as needed, but if no one else shows up, I plan to disown it at the end of October.
SmashedSqwurl commented on 2018-12-19 15:10 (UTC) (edited on 2018-12-19 15:14 (UTC) by SmashedSqwurl)
@gadicc, I added some pacman hooks to handle setting/unsetting the immutable flag:
Sets immutable flag after install/upgrade:
Unsets immutable flag before upgrade/remove: