Hi, I'm tried to build this package on my Manjaro but got 1 error on the last step(I think). How can I fix this error?
ERROR: test_draft_to_drawing (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a solid, and then a projected view in a Drawing page.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/tmp/pamac-build-taman/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build/Mod/Draft/drafttests/test_modification.py", line 562, in test_draft_to_drawing
page = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Drawing::FeaturePage')
ImportError: {'sclassname': 'N4Base11PyExceptionE', 'sErrMsg': '/usr/lib/freecad/lib/Drawing.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3App14DocumentObject13setExpressionERKNS_16ObjectIdentifierEN5boost10shared_ptrINS_10ExpressionEEE', 'sfile': '', 'iline': 0, 'sfunction': '', 'swhat': '/usr/lib/freecad/lib/Drawing.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3App14DocumentObject13setExpressionERKNS_16ObjectIdentifierEN5boost10shared_ptrINS_10ExpressionEEE', 'btranslatable': False, 'breported': False}
Ran 739 tests in 41.333s
FAILED (errors=1)
Pinned Comments
adrianinsaval commented on 2023-03-12 14:50 (UTC)
If the check fails there is little I can do about it as it most likely needs to be fixed upstream, in such cases report those upstream (maybe wait a day or two as sometimes it's quickly solved upstream) or skip the check with
makepkg --nocheck
if you don't care about the functionality that is being reported as failing in the check.