@tamarindx: Another thing you can try is taskset 1 makepkg
to lock the job to a single CPU core, so ninja won't spawn as many parallel tasks. (taskset is in the util-linux package.) I'd still recommend disabling LTO though, or compilation will take a long time.
By the way this type of discussion is probably better suited for the Arch Linux forums.
Pinned Comments
digitalone commented on 2019-08-10 10:37 (UTC) (edited on 2019-08-15 09:14 (UTC) by digitalone)
This is a modified package configured to get NetworkManager working exclusively with iwd. Main difference with upstream version is that iwd is required and wpa_supplicant is not needed (so you can uninstall it); iwd seems more reliable on certain wireless cards, so someone could prefer it in place of wpa_supplicant.
It's recommended to enable systemd iwd.service at boot:
systemctl enable iwd.service
Tested with Plasma NM system tray applet (plasma-nm), it's working.
Note that wpa_supplicant is still needed to build the package, but you can uninstall it after the building stage.