Package Details: omnetpp 6.0.3-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: omnetpp
Description: Component-based simulation package designed for modeling communication networks
Upstream URL:
Licenses: Academic Public License
Conflicts: omnetpp
Provides: omnetpp
Submitter: yhfudev
Maintainer: ekkelett (a36233)
Last Packager: a36233
Votes: 4
Popularity: 0.002085
First Submitted: 2016-05-17 06:16 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-03-12 11:29 (UTC)

Pinned Comments

ekkelett commented on 2021-04-27 08:40 (UTC) (edited on 2021-04-27 08:43 (UTC) by ekkelett)

I'll try to bring this package and omnetpp-preview into line with one another.

The paths issue seems to be fairly straightforward: the order of creating the prerequisite installation directories is not correct.

That being said, I'm likely to move almost all of the installation into /opt/omnetpp rather than spreading it across the FHS. I'd like to hear back from you what you'd prefer and what you think about that.

EDIT: Note that requesting an amended PKGBUILD without the defects that h3ndrk pointed out is not done through flagging the package as out of date. 5.6.2 is still current. Please leave a comment instead.

Latest Comments

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torokati44 commented on 2022-06-19 08:31 (UTC)

Hi nourthe,

Unfortunately, this is a bug in OMNeT++ we haven't caught in 6.0. Some standard headers were accidentally only included in some source files indirectly (through other standard headers), and this stopped being the case with some newer clang (or rather, libc++ or libstdc++) versions. This is now fixed in master, and should be included in the soon to be released 6.0.1 version. See:

Apologies for the inconvenience, Attila

nourthe commented on 2022-06-18 20:52 (UTC) (edited on 2022-06-18 20:54 (UTC) by nourthe)


I'm having a problem trying to install it in my system.

The error-related messages are:

Creating Makefile in /home/$USER/.cache/yay/omnetpp/src/omnetpp-6.0/samples/dyna...
Creating Makefile in /home/$USER/.cache/yay/omnetpp/src/omnetpp-6.0/samples/fifo...
Creating Makefile in /home/$USER/.cache/yay/omnetpp/src/omnetpp-6.0/samples/hypercube... error: no member named 'unique_ptr' in namespace 'std'
    std::unique_ptr<AstNode> astTree(parseToAst(expr));
    ~~~~~^ error: 'AstNode' does not refer to a value
    std::unique_ptr<AstNode> astTree(parseToAst(expr));
./expression.h:41:23: note: declared here
    struct COMMON_API AstNode
                      ^ error: use of undeclared identifier 'astTree'
    std::unique_ptr<AstNode> astTree(parseToAst(expr));
                             ^ error: use of undeclared identifier 'astTree'
    ExprNode *exprTree = translateToExpressionTree(astTree.get(), translator);
Creating Makefile in /home/$USER/.cache/yay/omnetpp/src/omnetpp-6.0/samples/histograms...
Creating Makefile in /home/$USER/.cache/yay/omnetpp/src/omnetpp-6.0/samples/neddemo...
4 errors generated.

I don't know what else to add, I have base-devel installed and I'm using yay with command:

yay -S omnetpp

P/D: Thanks for this great package, I used it in another computer and it worked wonderfully.

EDIT: I forget a warning I have:

==> ADVERTENCIA: Usando el árbol existente $srcdir/

That in english means something like

==> WARNING: Using the existing tree $srcdir/

TUC commented on 2022-04-08 15:43 (UTC)

FYI, an update to OMNeT++ 5.7. IDE is running, but I haven't used it, yet.

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index e9634a6..855f002 100644
@@ -8,34 +8,31 @@
 # Contributor: oguzkagan <me at oguzkaganeren dot com dot tr>

 pkgdesc='Component-based simulation package designed for modeling communication networks'
 license=('Academic Public License')
 depends=('tcl' 'openscenegraph' 'tk' 'qt5-base')
-makedepends=('libxml2' 'bison' 'flex' 'openscenegraph' 'qt4')
+makedepends=('libxml2' 'bison' 'flex' 'openscenegraph' 'qt5-base')
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
   'openmpi: message passing library for parallel simulation'
   'java-environment: Java runtime for using OMNeT++/OMNEST IDE'
-  'osgearth: geospatial API with 3D rendering'
+  #'osgearth: geospatial API with 3D rendering'

-  omnetpp-${pkgver}-src-linux.tgz::"${pkgver}/omnetpp-${pkgver}-src-linux.tgz"
-  OMNeT++.desktop
+  omnetpp-${pkgver}-src-linux.tgz::"${pkgver}/omnetpp-${pkgver}-linux-x86_64.tgz"
+  org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.desktop
-  'd92f9f791d6347317a1e833ca52a5423f30feaac6212ea5d280ad334541bcd8786252076598d45551b3c41d4b64423d9f4c05e67fe1a535bb03d951881f7e544')
+            'cbf18393c8c4250ba238d9169933fcc78d7e71b8958fed21b0bf05eb43560f44ea1929fb781cf5bac30d23699b437377fbd6e7bce33cd6dc3804187d923b8896')

 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  PATH=${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/bin:$PATH
-  changeText1=". .\/configure.user"
-  changeText2=".\/configure.user"
-  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  . setenv

   # Disable OSGEARTH because even in AUR it's >3.0
   sed -i 's/WITH_OSGEARTH=yes/WITH_OSGEARTH=no/' configure.user
@@ -44,6 +41,8 @@ build() {
   sed -i '/for arg in \$ac_configure_args/,+8 d' configure
   ./configure --prefix=/usr

+  # Print log to console and not to non-writable log file
+  sed -i 's! 2>$IDEDIR/error.log &!!' src/utils/omnetpp src/utils/omnest
   sed -i 's!IDEDIR=.*!IDEDIR=/opt/omnetpp/ide!' src/utils/omnetpp src/utils/omnest
   sed -i 's!osgi.instance.area.default=.*$!#osgi.instance.area.default=/usr/share/omnetpp/samples!g' ide/configuration/config.ini

@@ -77,13 +76,11 @@ package() {
   install -d ${pkgdir}/opt/omnetpp
   cp -R samples/* ${pkgdir}/opt/omnetpp
   cp -R ide ${pkgdir}/opt/omnetpp
-  touch ${pkgdir}/opt/omnetpp/ide/error.log
-  chmod a+rw ${pkgdir}/opt/omnetpp/ide/error.log

-  mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/
-  cp ${srcdir}/omnetpp-${pkgver}/ide/icon.png ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/omnetpp.png
+  mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/
+  cp ${srcdir}/omnetpp-${pkgver}/ide/icon.xpm ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.xpm

   mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/
   cd ${srcdir}
-  cp OMNeT++.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/
+  cp org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/
diff --git a/OMNeT++.desktop b/org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.desktop
similarity index 50%
rename from OMNeT++.desktop
rename to org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.desktop
index 5620f90..ceabf90 100644
--- a/OMNeT++.desktop
+++ b/org.omnetpp.OMNeT++.desktop
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
 [Desktop Entry]
-Name=OMNeT ++
 Comment=Start OMNeT++ IDE
-Name[it_IT]=OMNeT ++

torokati44 commented on 2021-05-19 17:02 (UTC)

Hi everyone! I'm one of the OMNeT++ developers - but not an Arch user at all. We've just recently discovered that these packages here are being worked on!

First of all, we'd like to thank you all for packaging our software into AUR, making it easier to install for your fellow Archers. Especially that you got both the stable 5.x releases and the 6.0 previews covered. We appreciate it.

About this in the pinned comment:

I'm likely to move almost all of the installation into /opt/omnetpp rather than spreading it across the FHS

In the past, we have planned to support splitting a release into separate places (the usual way for most packages) during installation.

But lately, we've come to think of it as the integrated library/toolkit/framework/SDK/IDE combination it really is; and now think that it is best if all of its pieces are kept in one place, as you also suggested. Many other software of this kind are installed the same way.

This could perhaps help avoid some potential confusion and conflicts for users using different major versions for different projects they are working on. If the version number is also included in the name of the installation directory, that would also allow any number of versions to be installed independently, for example in /opt/omnetpp-5.6.2 and /opt/omnetpp-6.0pre11, and so on.

If you need help with anything regarding the build process, feel free to reach out!

h3ndrk commented on 2021-05-18 05:49 (UTC)

I tried this package again (5.6.2-4) and tried to compile INET framework but got the following error:

/usr/bin/opp_makemake: error: opp_configfilepath didn't return the name of an existing directory, result was "/usr/bin/../"

I was unable to "Build Project" from the IDE (it warns me about a missing Makefile in src/Makefile). The error above comes from executing make makefiles within the INET working directory.

FYI: I used

ekkelett commented on 2021-05-03 22:37 (UTC) (edited on 2021-05-04 00:08 (UTC) by ekkelett)

pkgrel 3- now 4 is up. Your mileage may indeed vary; I haven't gotten around to running the sample tictoc yet, but we'll get there (and get it automated).

(If you're considering using OMNeT++, do use omnetpp-preview if you can. It's pretty nice.)

ekkelett commented on 2021-05-03 09:23 (UTC)

@ChillFre4k we'll see. It should be smooth sailing, but I haven't taken a proper look yet. Patches are welcome. Please use the out-of-date flag feature for its intended purpose.

ChillFre4k commented on 2021-05-03 07:28 (UTC)

@ekkelett the comments are full of problems. Can you fix it?

ekkelett commented on 2021-04-27 08:40 (UTC) (edited on 2021-04-27 08:43 (UTC) by ekkelett)

I'll try to bring this package and omnetpp-preview into line with one another.

The paths issue seems to be fairly straightforward: the order of creating the prerequisite installation directories is not correct.

That being said, I'm likely to move almost all of the installation into /opt/omnetpp rather than spreading it across the FHS. I'd like to hear back from you what you'd prefer and what you think about that.

EDIT: Note that requesting an amended PKGBUILD without the defects that h3ndrk pointed out is not done through flagging the package as out of date. 5.6.2 is still current. Please leave a comment instead.

h3ndrk commented on 2021-04-06 09:50 (UTC)

This PKGBUILD has more problems:

==> Starting package()...
cp: target '/home/user/omnetpp/pkg/omnetpp/opt/omnetpp' is not a directory
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().

The paths seem to be messed up.