If this can help anyone to simplify the installation and the maintenance:
we usually download the deb package from the browser which saves the file in ~/Downloads
Cisco provides two places to download the package and names them in two different ways
the downloaded package should be moved to the PKGBUILD folder, but we always forget where that is
this is the link to the PKGBUILD.
Pinned Comments
runnytu commented on 2020-01-04 16:58 (UTC) (edited on 2020-01-04 16:59 (UTC) by runnytu)
To install all versions of packettracer except 7.2.2, follow this guidelines: 1. Download the snapshot from this AUR. 2. Tar -zxf the packettracer.tar.gz snapshot (it creates the dir packettracer/ with the PKGBUILD on it). 3. Download the latest packettracer tarball from your Netacad account and copy it into the packettracer/ dir. 4. Create the package with the command makepkg (it creates a packettracer.pkg.tar.xz). 5. Install the package with either makepkg -i or sudo pacman -U packettracer.pkg.tar.xz.
Packettracer 7.2.2 are auto installable via run file, download it from netacad webpage and run it, you don't need this package.