Whoops, I accidentally deleted my previous comment. Short summary, there is paper.install
in https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/?h=papermc, which does not seem to be used. Is that on purpose?
On another note: you might want to consider using sysusers.d and tmpfiles.d for managing the papermc
user and the server directory, instead of using the install file, but I can see that it might create some issues with the server jarfile. If it doesn't, it is simpler and seems to be the arch way to go (other server packages do it that way)
Pinned Comments
edh commented on 2019-09-03 10:54 (UTC) (edited on 2019-10-22 09:52 (UTC) by edh)
Unfortunately, upstream does not really have proper releases but instead points to build-versions of the software. Note, I will not push every new build of the package to the AUR but I will update the package upon new minecraft releases, e.g. for 1.14.4 to 1.14.5.