Can confirm with @deemon, steam does do an insane amount of DNS queries, I've had steam cause my desktop to get blocked from pihole DNS quite a few times before. I've never had it block others though, only my desktop, so I never really think too much of it and it fixes itself after a little while. Definitely not great but not pihole's fault.
I have wondered how to set up some sort of caching for steam at the server side, just haven't figured out how yet.
Pinned Comments
max.bra commented on 2018-02-09 16:45 (UTC) (edited on 2019-10-18 23:14 (UTC) by max.bra)
ArchLinux Pi-hole is not officially supported by Pi-hole project. In case of bugs and malfunctions please DO NOT file a report upstream.
First of all check if the wiki ( can help then ask here for assistance and tips.
When it will be excluded that the problem does not depend on ArchLinux we will file a bug upstream.