Package Details: wayfire-git 0.9.0.r46.ge70c688a-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: wayfire-git
Description: 3D wayland compositor
Upstream URL:
Keywords: compositor wayfire wayland wm
Licenses: MIT
Conflicts: wayfire
Provides:, wayfire, wlroots
Submitter: SolarAquarion
Maintainer: SolarAquarion (kode54)
Last Packager: kode54
Votes: 13
Popularity: 0.036544
First Submitted: 2018-06-28 12:32 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2025-02-23 08:48 (UTC)

Dependencies (43)

Required by (108)

Sources (1)

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nuc commented on 2022-01-25 04:11 (UTC)

I have the same issue as @Tom_B

Tom_B commented on 2022-01-08 18:32 (UTC)

This conflicts with wlroots but wlroots is a dependency for wf-shell-git which means we can't currently install wayfire-git and wf-shell-git at the same time. What is the best way to solve this conflict?

kaneki commented on 2022-01-03 14:13 (UTC)

@lama_reborn your requests have been implemented.

lama_reborn commented on 2021-12-02 17:24 (UTC) (edited on 2021-12-02 17:32 (UTC) by lama_reborn)

I would to point out a minor issue here. If you use wlroots-git package you might end up not being able to compile wayfire. Reason is stated on webpage - they are not able to precisely keep up with upstream wlroots project. For that reason they created git subproject in wayfire git that points to the latest wlroots commit wayfire functions with. Here you can see it:

After finding that out and not being entirely happy about this package I prepared another AUR package that compiles with build-type=release (which turns on compiler optimizations), compiles wlroots subproject and wf-config subproject and has X11 as optional dependency. Since it was promptly marked as duplicate and deleted from AUR I am not going to bother arguing that and will just put the changes here. Feel free to adopt parts of it or nothing at all.

pkgdesc="OpenGL wayland compositor - build with wayfire specific wlroots"
conflicts=("$pkgname" wayfire wayfire-git wlroots wlroots-git wf-config wf-config-git)
depends=('cairo' 'pango' 'freetype2' 'glm' \
'libdrm' 'libevdev' 'libglvnd' 'libinput' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'libxkbcommon' 'libxml2' \
'pixman' 'pkgconf' 'seatd' 'wayland' 'wayland-protocols')
makedepends=('git' 'meson' 'ninja' 'cmake')
optdepends=('xcb-util' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'xcb-util-errors' 'xcb-util-wm' 'xorg-xwayland')
provides=("$pkgname" wlroots-git wf-config-git)

pkgver() {
    cd "$srcdir/wayfire"
    #ugly hack for getting version since the target repo is not very tidy
    git tag -l|awk '/^[0-9.]+$/ {print $0} /^v{1}[0-9.]+$/ {print substr($0,2)}'|sort -n|tail -n1


build() {
    cd "$srcdir/wayfire/"
    #using meson with almost all arch-meson opts because we need to pull wlroots from it's git and do not want auto-features enabled
    meson setup --prefix /usr \
            --libexecdir lib \
            --sbindir bin \
            --buildtype=release \
            -Dxwayland=auto \
            -Duse_system_wlroots=disabled \
            -Duse_system_wfconfig=disabled \
            -Db_lto=true \
            -Db_pie=true \
    ninja -C build
    #remove reference to build dir as pkgbuild complains about it
    sed "/WF_SRC_DIR/d" -i build/config.h

package() {
    cd "$srcdir/wayfire"
    DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" ninja -C build install
    install -Dm644 wayfire.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/wayland-sessions/wayfire.desktop 
    cp wayfire.ini $pkgdir/usr/share

Also thanks for maintaining this.

kode54 commented on 2021-11-27 23:18 (UTC)

@cock Check /usr/bin/arch-meson, which this PKGBUILD uses, which already selects a buildtype appropriate for packaging.

cock commented on 2021-11-27 19:43 (UTC) (edited on 2021-11-27 19:45 (UTC) by cock)

can you please add: buildtype=release or otherwise starting wayfire takes ages(confirmed the problem is this) because it's a debug build

(please do this in your other packages too)

kaneki commented on 2021-11-18 20:56 (UTC)

Yup, the repo has been changed back to the original url.

CrezyDud commented on 2021-11-17 13:27 (UTC)

you can change the git repo back to 'git+' changes for wlroots have been merged

CrezyDud commented on 2021-10-30 13:31 (UTC)

version number is wrong keeps updating over and over, because the version number doesn't update

PedroHLC commented on 2021-10-19 18:14 (UTC)

The 0.7.x branch contains more commits to keep compatibility with wlroots 0.12, they are not meant for master.

That's why master is still tagging as 0.6.0.