@agkphysics Apologies, I didn't with the previous message! Tried just now with extra-x86_64-build and it's still failed. Not sure if I've messed up somewhere this is the first time I've ever done something like this. My exact steps:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/zotero.git
- installed
yay -S devtools-git
- tried with
extra-x86_64-build -c
it errored the first time failing to findlzo
so had toyay -S lzo
(which wasn't up to date, but updated successfully) and tried again. - ran
extra-x86_64-build -c
again and everything seemed to complete until the very end where it gave the following:
Success: [browserify] 4 files processed [3090ms]
Success: [copy] 67 files processed | 67 checked [3191ms]
Success: [js] 317 files processed | 329 checked [3414ms]
Success: [sass] 3 files processed | 55 checked [913ms]
Success: [sass] 0 files processed [124ms]
Success: [symlink] 1412 files processed | 1412 checked [3427ms]
Success: [symlink] 4 files processed | 4 checked [297ms]
Success: [cleanup] 0 files processed [0ms]
Success: [pdf-reader] 1 files processed | 1 checked [5402ms]
Success: [pdf-worker] 1 files processed | 1 checked [126922ms]
Success: [note-editor] 1 files processed | 1 checked [32682ms]
Total build time 126951ms
Checking zotero-6.0.15-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
==> Running checkpkg
error: target not found: zotero
==> WARNING: Skipped checkpkg due to missing repo packages
Have I missed some essential step?
Terminal's stdout is muuuch longer but I'm not sure if it is appropriate to post it all here.
Pinned Comments
agkphysics commented on 2023-06-14 11:31 (UTC)
@jeyes https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Building_in_a_clean_chroot
agkphysics commented on 2023-02-08 10:12 (UTC)
If people are having issues, try building with
in a clean chroot.