Package Details: tacentview 1.0.46-1

Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: tacentview
Description: Image viewer/editor for tga, png, apng, exr, dds, pvr, ktx, ktx2, astc, pkm, qoi, gif, hdr, jpg, tif, ico, webp, and bmp files
Upstream URL:
Keywords: and apng astc bmp dds dear-imgui dearimgui editor exr files for gif hdr ico image image-processing jpg ktx ktx2 opengl pkm png pvr qoi tacent texture texture-viewer tga tif viewer webp
Licenses: ISC
Submitter: begin-theadventu
Maintainer: begin-theadventu
Last Packager: begin-theadventu
Votes: 4
Popularity: 0.023417
First Submitted: 2023-06-13 11:38 (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-09-10 17:08 (UTC)

Latest Comments

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begin-theadventu commented on 2024-09-09 14:40 (UTC)

@dreieck Thanks

dreieck commented on 2024-09-06 15:52 (UTC) (edited on 2024-09-06 16:03 (UTC) by dreieck)

Regarding this build error, here it is said

The problem came from the supported compiler having changed from GCC to Clang.

Now tacentview-git, which did have the same issue, is fixed and builds.

You can have a look over there.


dreieck commented on 2024-09-04 19:48 (UTC) (edited on 2024-09-04 20:02 (UTC) by dreieck)

I see the package has been updated, but build now fails for me:

==> Starting build()...
ninja: Entering directory `build'
[122/136] Linking CXX executable _deps/tacent-build/Woboq/WoboqGen
FAILED: _deps/tacent-build/Woboq/WoboqGen 
: && /usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG  _deps/tacent-build/Woboq/CMakeFiles/WoboqGen.dir/Src/WoboqGen.cpp.o -o _deps/tacent-build/Woboq/WoboqGen  _deps/tacent-build/Modules/Foundation/libFoundation.a  _deps/tacent-build/Modules/Math/libMath.a  _deps/tacent-build/Modules/System/libSystem.a  -lm  -lstdc++  _deps/tacent-build/Modules/Math/libMath.a  _deps/tacent-build/Modules/Foundation/libFoundation.a && :
/usr/bin/ld: _deps/tacent-build/Modules/System/libSystem.a(tMachine.cpp.o): in function `tSystem::tGetXDGSingleEnvVar(tString&, tString const&, tString const&)':
tMachine.cpp:(.text+0x7ca): undefined reference to `tSystem::tPathStdDir(tString&)'
/usr/bin/ld: _deps/tacent-build/Modules/System/libSystem.a(tMachine.cpp.o): in function `tSystem::tGetXDGMultipleEnvVar(tList<tStringItem>&, tString const&, tString const&)':
tMachine.cpp:(.text+0x1519): undefined reference to `tSystem::tPathStdDir(tString&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
[133/136] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/tacentview.dir/Contrib/imgui/imgui.cpp.o
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().


begin-theadventu commented on 2024-06-10 20:52 (UTC)

@titmouse84 Thank you for the build fix! I implemented it although the include statement had to be #include <algorithm.

@dreieck Thank you for reporting the build issue upstream. It has been fixed since then, so I will delete the fix in the next version.

dreieck commented on 2024-06-10 12:10 (UTC) (edited on 2024-06-10 12:11 (UTC) by dreieck)

this has now been reported upstream:

This should resolve the std::shuffle error

Until upstream has fixed it, I propose as a workaround to add a patch to this package that fixes it locally.

titmouse84 commented on 2024-06-02 23:19 (UTC)

Navigate to the directory containing the source code:

cd ~/.cache/paru/clone/tacentview/src/build/_deps/tacent-src/Modules/Image/Src/

Open tQuantizeSpatial.cpp in text editor:

nano tQuantizeSpatial.cpp

Add the following line near the top of the file, along with other include statements:

include <algorithm>

Save the file and exit the editor.

Rebuild the package:

cd ~/.cache/paru/clone/tacentview/ makepkg -si This should resolve the std::shuffle error and allow the build process to proceed.

dreieck commented on 2024-02-12 15:02 (UTC)

The gcc-libs depend is already required by the base package so isn't it safe to assume that people using AUR already have it installed?

You are right.

begin-theadventu commented on 2024-02-12 01:20 (UTC)

The gcc-libs depend is already required by the base package so isn't it safe to assume that people using AUR already have it installed? Similar to base-devel.

begin-theadventu commented on 2024-02-10 03:17 (UTC)

@dreieck Thank you.

dreieck commented on 2024-02-09 12:45 (UTC) (edited on 2024-02-09 12:46 (UTC) by dreieck)

↗ Here is a PKGBUILD that solves some issues with the package (there were also other spurious installation directories present) and simplifies some stuff, and also installs documentation:

# Maintainer:  begin-theadventure <begin-thecontact.ncncb at dralias dot com>
# Contributor: drieck (
# Contributor: frousties

pkgdesc="An image and texture viewer for tga, png, apng, exr, dds, ktx, ktx2, astc, pkm, qoi, gif, hdr, jpg, tif, ico, webp, and bmp files. Uses Dear ImGui, OpenGL and Tacent"
depends=('gcc-libs' 'glibc' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libx11' 'libxcb')
# dpkg is needed since only building a debian package creates a installation-ready directory structure :-(.
makedepends=('cmake' 'dpkg' 'git' 'ninja')
  'SKIP'  # `tacentview` git

prepare() {
  cd "${srcdir}"

  mkdir -p build

  ## `cmake` call in `prepare()` since it will download stuff.
  cmake -S "${_pkgname}" -B build \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

build() {
  cd "${srcdir}"

  ninja -C build
  ninja -C build install # This is in `build()` and not in `package()` to workaround otherwise nested fakeroot error: `ninja -C build install` also calls fakeroot implicitly because it builds a .deb package, and this is needed to get the correct installation directories.

package() {
  cd "${srcdir}"

  cp -rv "build/ViewerInstall/Package/${_pkgname}_$(sed -E 's|\.([^\.]*)$|-\1|' <<<"${pkgver}")"/usr "${pkgdir}"/
  find "${pkgdir}" -name .gitignore -exec rm -v {} \;

  install -Dvm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}" "${_pkgname}/"
  cp -rv "${_pkgname}/docs" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}"/

  install -Dvm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" "${_pkgname}/LICENSE"
  ln -svr "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/LICENSE"
