207 - is supposed equate to $HOME/.cache/PACKAGEMANAGER/src/unreal-engine
214 - is supposed to create $HOME/.cache/PACKAGEMANAGER/pkg/opt/unreal-engine/<folder-I'm-creating>
What you said about line 215 is nonsensical, particularly, because $HOME is not referenced as a target in any values, at all, as a sub-directory of /opt/unreal-engine; in fact: the only thing I'm doing remotely different in packaging this at this curent moment, in the history of this package on the AUR, is using a for-do bash loop. The bash values you keep claiming are doing totally different have always been exactly as you see them and no one besides you and @juancarlospaco have ever stated otherwise in the entire history of this package. **Particularly**
because I literally have it outlined on line 47
NOT to put a /
BEFORE "opt"; it is factually impossible
for what you are describing to be happening unless you ignored this explicit instruction.
241 - Don't report redundancies to me; I know full well that's supposed to be there. I put it there because someone told me it wasn't for them and that the engine needs it.
Pinned Comments
Neko-san commented on 2022-11-01 02:32 (UTC) (edited on 2023-06-25 01:19 (UTC) by Neko-san)
@juancarlospaco this is easily done on your own system, not in a PKGBUILD, given that building packages runs as root:
Permission issues like this are already mentioned on the UE Arch wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unreal_Engine_4#Installing_from_the_AUR
This is a user system problem; I already did what I could without needing users to do the above by giving the
permissions. If it still gives you trouble, you'll have to use the example to solve it or change the install location to somewhere you have user permissions by default (as I cannot do this for you).zerophase commented on 2021-05-27 08:15 (UTC) (edited on 2021-05-30 08:41 (UTC) by zerophase)
Will update to 5.0 when it is released.