asks for root rights way too late
Sometimes you run a big update and go take your coffee, yay
will ask nothing and make his compilations... And when you're far away from keyboard he will launch pacman
at the very end who asks fur sudo
rights (so your passsword) and that expires fast. So you return and nothing has been done, you have to relaunch and stay by the computer watching for the exact moment the computer will ask for the pswd. For example it's particularly annoying with ffmpeg-git
who is very slow to compile and that if you don't give the passsword, you have to recompile the whole thing
Nevermind, yay
should ask the password at the very beginning if he know he will need rights at some point
Link to upstream: https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/1244
Pinned Comments
jguer commented on 2024-03-16 08:06 (UTC)
This will happen if you upgrade pacman and yay separately If you have this error you need to manually recompile yay
jguer commented on 2019-04-16 14:08 (UTC)
I cannot delete the spam comments appearing regularly in this page, which has also led me to disable notifications from here. I remind that the best way to receive support or report a problem is through the Upstream URL.