EDITED: My apologies, I had installed custom patches for go
, so they made the yay package unbuildable. I am also sorry for reporting the bug here, but not at the upstream! Have a nice day.
Hey, I would like to notify this package doesn't build on my workstation anymore! Does this issue apply to someone else's setup?
$ yay -Syu
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found yay-9.4.3.tar.gz
==> Starting build()...
go build -v -mod=vendor -ldflags '-s -w -linkmode external -extldflags "-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now" -X "main.version=9.4.3"' -gcflags all=-trimpath=/home/FILTERED/.cache/yay/yay/src/yay-9.4.3 -asmflags all=-trimpath=/home/FILTERED/.cache/yay/yay/src/yay-9.4.3 -o yay
go: inconsistent vendoring in /home/FILTERED/.cache/yay/yay/src/yay-9.4.3:
github.com/Jguer/go-alpm@v0.0.0-20191122171459-5cffc6e8fc69: is explicitly required in go.mod, but vendor/modules.txt indicates github.com/Jguer/go-alpm@v0.0.0-20191021114528-e11e8a60f385
github.com/mikkeloscar/aur@v0.0.0-20191216074712-ebecb34b95b4: is explicitly required in go.mod, but vendor/modules.txt indicates github.com/mikkeloscar/aur@v0.0.0-20190912174111-183f80a38525
run 'go mod vendor' to sync, or use -mod=mod or -mod=readonly to ignore the vendor directory
make: *** [Makefile:47: yay] Error 1
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
Error making: yay
Pinned Comments
jguer commented on 2024-03-16 08:06 (UTC)
This will happen if you upgrade pacman and yay separately If you have this error you need to manually recompile yay
jguer commented on 2019-04-16 14:08 (UTC)
I cannot delete the spam comments appearing regularly in this page, which has also led me to disable notifications from here. I remind that the best way to receive support or report a problem is through the Upstream URL.